Chapter 27

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I had finally made the decision to drop out of school. I would find a job, so our family could have some extra money. So if ya think about it, all of us will benefit from me dropping out. I don't know what it was but Soda's words, "Darry isnt gonna approve", kept playing over and over in my head, like a scratched disk stuck on repeat.

I just wanted Darry to be proud of me in everything that I did, so I hoped he would approve of me dropping out. As I finished my thoughts, Darry walked through the front door from work. "Hey y'all! How was your days?", Darry asked with a grin as he took off his boots.

We all looked at each other, "guys c'mon. Let's give Gabby and Darry a minute to talk", Dally suggested. The guys nodded and followed Dally outside. Darry looked over at me, "what's goin' on? Why'd the guys leave?", I sighed, "you 'oughta sit down for this one Darry", I said patting the seat next to me.

As he sat down, I said, "okay. Before you react, just hear me out", I said calmly. Darry looked uneasily, "girly your scarin' me. Please tell me you ain't done nothin' illegal.. cause if you did the court'll take you Pony and Soda away and-", my eyes got wide, "nonono nothing illegal. Don't worry Darry it isn't illegal at all", I assured him.

Darry sighed in relief, "phew. Thank god. Well, what's up?", I took a deep breath, "I think I 'oughta drop out. I mean, schools full of socs and they all 'oughta be after me cause of the 'Harry incident', and if I dropped out, I could help you and Soda out with money and we could have some extra cash!", I said hoping he'd agree. Darry didn't look upset or mad, I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Darry??", I asked in a hopeful tone. Darry sighed and put his forehead in his hand, "I don't know what to say Gabriella. Could ya give me some time to think 'bout it?", he asked.

I was surprise Darry was takin' this so lightly, "yea of course you can think about it, Dar!", I said with a smile. He got up, kissed my forehead, and walked down the hall to his room.

I sighed as I walked out onto the porch with the guys. "So?! What'd he say?", Pony asked. I said with a smile, "he said he'd think about it!".  They smiled, "well what'd ya guys say? How 'bout we all go on down to the drive in?", Steve suggested, "I'd say invite Darry, but he's thinkin' right now".

I nodded, "I'll go tell Darry we're goin' to the drive-in so he doesn't think we ran away".  The boys nodded as I poked my head into the house, "hey Darry! The guys and I are headed to the drive in! We'll be back later tonight!", he shouted back, "alright! Be safe, please".

As Darry responded, Soda, Pony, Dally, Johnny, Two-bit, Steve and I all made our way down to the drive in.

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