Chapter 30

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We looked for Dally everywhere he could possibly go, but we couldn't find him anywhere. We had finally gave up and accepted the fact that he probably left town. Gabby was crushed. She didn't cheat on him, in fact she loved him. We all knew he would eventually come back. We just had to give him some time.

We walked into the Curtis house and Gabby flopped face first onto the couch. She started to cry into a pillow. As I was about to go sit with her, Soda walked over to her.


I knew Gabby's heart would get broken again one way or another. But by Dallas running off, that might've been the last thing I expected. I wrapped my arms around her tightly, "it'll be alright Gabby. He's gonna come back. He just needs some time", I said softly into her ear. She pressed her head against my chest and cried.

All of a sudden, the phone rang. Gabby flew over to the phone, "WHAT IF IT'S DALLY?!".


As the phone rang my heart began to beat fast. I flew over to the phone and picked it up, "hello. Is this the Curtis residence?", the woman on the other line asked. The joy in my heart left when I realized it wasn't Dallas, "yes this is the Curtis residence. Who are you?", I asked with some attitude. The woman on  the other line sighed, "I'm a receptionist at the Saint Francis Hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We have a patient who was just rushed in here from a tragic car accident. He has major injuries, and as of right now, we don't know if he's in good or bad shape.  The Curtis family's name was on his file and the patients name is Dallas Wins-", my ears began to ring.
I dropped the phone, and collapsed to my knees. I buried my face into my hands and started to cry hysterically.

I guess Darry had heard because he burst out of his room, "what's goin' on out here?!", he asked frantically. I ran over to him and jumped into his arms. Darry picked me up, holding me tightly as I cried into his shoulder, "baby what's wrong? He asked stroking my hair", I tried to get the words out as best as I could, "i-it's d-dally. H-h-he was in a c-car c-c-crashHhHh", my voice got shaky as I began to bawl. The boys faces went white and they began to cry.

We were in pure, utter, shock.

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