Chapter 13

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I could tell that Soda and Darry suspected something was going on between Gabby and I. We weren't dating, but I was in love with her. I've been in love with Gabby for as long as I could remember. I'm not sure if she sees me as a brother or more, but any moment I can get with her is a good one.


Soda was on my case about Dally. I mean, I have a crush on Dal, but I really more see him as a really close guy best friend. I hadn't felt good today at all. I felt sick to my stomach and I had a killer migraine. I didn't wanna tell any of the guys I felt sick though because they may overreact like they usually do.

"Hey we're gonna head on out", Two-Bit said. "Bye everyone!", Johnny said kindly. Steve and Johnny followed Two-Bit to the door. Dally shifted in his seat a bit, "hey uh, I'm gonna hang back with Gabby for a while". Steve and Johnny exchanged looks. I could tell they thought there was somethin' between us. "Alright man", Two-Bit said doing his eyebrow thing as the three boys walked out of the house.


"Darry should we tell Pony about our suspicions with Dal and Gabs?", "I think we should. He might know somethin'".

"Aye Pony! Can ya come to the kitchen real quick?", Darry hollered. Pony made his way to the kitchen, "what's up?". Darry and I looked at each other, "have you noticed Gabby and Dal have been oddly close lately?", I asked. Pony shifted, "well I've seen that, but I think they're just friends. I mean we snuggle up with Gabby a lot too, because that's what family and friends do".

Darry began to speak, "well didn't ya see that picture of 'em yesterday? It was peculiar". Pony's eyes got wide, "oh yea.. I forgot about that. Well in that case, there's definitely sumthin' there." "We need to find a way to get more proof." I said, "wait.. I have an idea!"

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