Chapter 25

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Gabby curled up next to me and wrapped her arms around me. I was happy we were finally together. I've always loved her. She's perfect in every way. She's got magnanimous blue eyes, like the crystal blue waters of the Caribbean Sea, long silky brown hair with auburn highlights, straight white teeth, but above all of that, Gabby's personality is perfect. She knows how to cheer everyone and anyone up, her smile and laugh can light up a room, her humor is truly one of a kind, and when she walks into a room, it lights up. She's the definition of perfect, and I'm truly, madly, deeply in love with her, and I have been since the first time I laid eyes on her.


I was 6 years old when my parents had moved us to Tulsa, Oklahoma. I had no friends. Not a soul in sight. My parents had been fighting a lot, so I would just leave. They wouldn't even notice I was gone from how deep into their argument they were.

On a warm, spring day, I went out on a walk down the road. I saw 4 kids playing outside, 3 boys and a girl. One of the boys was taller, he looked about 9 or 10. The smallest boy was really small, I was positive he was a toddler. The girl and the other boy were around the same height, he was a little taller though. The two looked around my age so I walked up to them and smiled, "Hi! My names Dallas. My parents and I just moved in down the road", I said smiling.

As I finished my sentence, the girl turned around. She was the prettiest girl I had ever seen. She had shiny, wavy brown hair, with the bluest eyes I'd ever seen. She smiled, "hi Dallas! My names Gabriella, and these are my brothers, Darry, Sodapop, and Ponyboy", she continued, "ya wanna play hopscotch with us?", she asked with a smile. I nodded, and that's when I realized what true love felt like for the first time, and I've felt that way, ever since that day I met Gabby on that warm, spring afternoon.


I looked down at Gabby stroking her silly hair. She looked up at me,grinned with her beautiful smile, and leaned in for a kiss. I smiled at her and pulled her into a tight hug and she rest her head on my chest.

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