Chapter 21

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Soda had already left, so I walked to the kitchen to make Pony some eggs. As I walked out of the room I heard Two-bit come into the house, "hey Curtis Princess! Ya look mighty nice today", he said with a smirk. I jokingly curtsied, "why thank you Prince Matthews".  He chucked, pat my back, and followed me into the kitchen.

His face went serious, "so Pony. He alright after yesterday?", Keith asked concerned. I shrugged my shoulders, " I mean he's gotten better. Yesterday he couldn't move an inch without wincing, but today he could move. He still can't walk on his own yet though. He also has a long cut up his arm and his face is a bit scratched up and bruised. But other than that, I'd say he's gettin' better". Two-bit smiled, "well that's much better than what I heard about him yesterday", he sighed with relief.


Gabby was makin' Ponyboy some eggs when she said, "could ya go help Pony outta the room into the livin' room please?", I nodded and walked down the hallway to their room.

When I walked in, Pony was layin' down on his bed. "Hey kid! How're ya?", I asked patting his leg. Ponyboy sat himself up on the bed and looked at me. He had a black eye, and a bruise on the side of his head, from his ear to his hairline. Pony shrugged, "I mean, I've definitely been better", he said trying to lighten the mood. I chuckled, "c'mon kid. Let's go eat", I swung his arm around my neck and helped him out to the living room where Gabby was waiting for him with his breakfast.

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