Chapter 38

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Dallas had gone to Gabby's room around an hour ago to see her. We heard crying from both of them, but it's silent now so I assume that they fell asleep.

Johnny and Ponyboy had fallen asleep together on the couch. I could swear they've got the hots for each other, I'd never say anything about it though.

Steve and Two-Bit had gone home, and me and Dally were talking on the couch.

"I'm glad Dallas came back. Maybe it'll be smooth sailing again", Darry said to me. I nodded, "welp. It's late. I'm gonna head onto bed. Help me get Johnny and Pone into bed?".

Darry nodded, picking Johnny up as I picked up Pony. We carried them into the room and when we walked in, Dallas and Gabby were snuggled up together on the bed. They had tear stains and puffy eyes from crying.

Darry and I exchanged sympathetic looks and smiled at the sight of Gabby and Dallas. They were gonna be okay. We all were. We've got each other and that's enough to last a lifetime.

We tucked Johnny and Pony into bed, "alright, night kiddo. Don't stay up too late. You've got work in the morning", Darry lectured.

I chuckled, "don't worry Dar. I'm emotionally exhausted so sleep ain't gonna be a problem".

Darry walked out of the room and I made my way towards my bed in the pitch black room. As I was walking, I tripped over a big book on the floor.

"What the-", when I looked down a picture flew out. I picked it up and walked over to my bed. I flipped on the lamp, I felt warm and fuzzy inside when I saw the picture.

It was me and Gabby in 5th grade at our 11th birthday party

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It was me and Gabby in 5th grade at our 11th birthday party. Mom and dad had gotten us a rabbit (which had only stayed alive for about a year). We were so happy because we'd been asking for one for years.

I used to act like I was much older than Gabby, and I still do. I treat her like she's the baby of the family. I'm very protective over Gabby, but for some reason, I trusted Dally with her. I knew he would take care of her the way I had.

Gabby's grown up and she's finally happy. I couldn't feel any better than I did right now.

I looked over at Gabby and Dallas curled up together and I smiled. I flicked the light of, put the picture on the night stand, and went to sleep peacefully, thinking about how we've grown into independent human beings.

I wish I could pause time and let it stay this way forever. But knowing this gangs luck, there'd be a new problem abrewin' tomorrow.

Gabby's gotten cheated on, Pony's gotten jumped, Dally's run away, and there's been MANY mental breakdowns. All in just a week. But that's our family. Always getting into trouble. But it's okay because we can always find a fix no matter what.

I felt complete. I smiled as I curled up in my blanket, and drifted off to sleep.

The Curtis Sister~Gabriella CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now