Chapter 35

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After he ran into me, and saw who it was, Dally tried to run.

"Dally wait!", I grabbed his arm. He looks annoyed, "what'd ya want man?! Let me go", he shook his arm free.

"Dal, I'll let you go when you come home and talk to Gabby! You've gotta hear what she's gotta say. It isn't what ya think Dally", he took a deep breath, "Johnny.. seein' Gabby kiss Harry broke me. Now, it takes a lot for me to admit when I'm hurt, but it destroyed me. I don't know how I'm supposed to face her after that.."

"Your not listenin' Dal! She didn't kiss Harry! Harry kissed her! Now if you'd just come home with me, Gabby can explain to you what happened, because let me tell you, she didn't cheat on you. It was about
the complete opposite..".

Dallas looked away. I could tell he was tryna' restrain from crying. I put my hand on his arm, "Dal' you've gotta listen to me, and listen good. Gabby's broken right now. She's locked herself in her room ever since you ran off. Gabby cried herself to sleep last night, and she's worried sick about you. So here's what I need you to do. Go see Gabby, and go see her now. You can listen to what she's gotta say,  she won't be in anymore pain and neither will you".

Dallas sighed, "alright fine. I'll come with ya.", he took a breath, looked away, and looked back, "is she really that hurt?"

"I've never seen her cry so much. She's more hurt than she was when her parents died and when she saw Harry kissing Cherry."

Dally looked down at the ground, "god dammit. I really screwed up didn't I..", he motioned for me to follow him, "c'mon. Let's go home.."

He threw his arm around my shoulders and we walked to the DX to get Soda and Steve. When they saw Dally, they ran over and hugged him, "yea yea I know I know, I'm alright guys. But we've gotta go home. I need to go to Gabby", Dally explained.

When we left the DX, Steve and Soda came home with us too.

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