Chapter 10

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The gang all had just walked out the front door. Darry turned to me, Gabby, and Pony and said, "alright kiddos. I'm gonna head on to bed. I'm gonna let Pony and Gabby skip school tomorrow, since Soda and I don't have work. Don't stay up too late guys". "We won't we promise", Pony replied. "Alright good night. I love you kids", Darry pulled us into a hug and kissed Gabby's forehead and said to her, "I'm sorry about today. Just know you don't have to be afraid to tell me stuff. I'll always be here for you". Gabby smiled and gave him a hug. Darry walked down the hallway towards his bedroom.

"Alright I'm gonna go take a quick shower", Gabby said. She walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

Pony and I walked to our bedroom and got into t-shirts and sweatpants. Once we were dressed, I looked over at Pony. He was sitting on his bed playing with his fingers and staring at the ceiling. " 'ey Pony. You alright?", I asked concerned. Pony began to frown and said, "yea. I'm fine. Don't worry about it". I knew he wasn't fine but I also knew he'd end up talkin' to us when Gabby noticed. That's how Pony is. He likes it to be us 3 when he opens up. He feels comfortable when it's like that.

Gabby walked into our room in a white t shirt and black shorts, with her hair wrapped in a towel. She looked over at Pony and that's when Gabby noticed, Pony was really upset. At this point, Pony was staring at the ceiling frowning, and tears were welling up in his eyes.


When I walked into our room, I noticed right away that something was wrong with Pony. I took the towel off my hair and walked over to him. I laid down next to him and turned to him, "Pony? What's the matter?". He didn't answer me but he started crying.

I looked over at Soda and motioned with my hand to come over. Soda lay down on the other side of Pony. We sat Pony up and Soda said, "c'mon Pony. Talk to us. What's buggin you?".

Pony broke down hysterically crying, "I-I miss m-mom a-and d-d-da-dad". Pony was shaking from how hard he was crying. Soda had tears welling up in his eyes and said, "I miss them too Pony. More than anyone will ever know".

Seeing my brothers cry is the hardest thing for me. I love them more than anything and it causes me the worst pain imaginable. Soda looked me in the eyes while he was crying, which made me cry. "Pony ya wanna know what me and Soda do when we miss mom and dad? We talk about what we miss about them. It helps sometimes, but sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't we sit there and cry together", I said crying.

Soda nodded, "yea. We usually talk about it when your asleep though because we don't want to upset you". PonyBoy began to cry even harder. I got up, and sat myself in between Pony and Soda, and held them close. They buried their heads into my shoulders and cried. I hated seeing them in pain. Seeing Pony, Soda, and Darry sad is hurts me more than anything and everything imaginable. I help Soda and Pony tight. "We'll get through this together. You two, me, and Darry. We'll always be here for each other and nothin's gonna change that. We're all the family we've got left now, and we aren't gonna take that for granite", I said as I held Pony and Soda close.


I hardly see Gabby and Soda cry, but today I've seen them cry much more than I have before. It hurts to see them cry. I look up to them and they're the people who've made me who I am today. Soda hates to cry in front of the entire gang, including me and Gabby. He feels like it makes him weak, but truth is it doesn't make Soda weak. We all still love him.


I was 5, Gabby and Soda were 7, and Darry was 11. Mom and dad were both at work, so we decided to go play tag outside.

"Tag! Your it!", Gabby hollered at me, giggling as she ran away. I started laughing as I saw Soda. I ran toward him as fast as I could on my kindergartener legs. I got closer to his so I sped up. I tried to reach out and tag him, but I tripped over a big rock. My vision went black for a few seconds. It came back, and when I looked at my leg, I had a big scratch from my ankle to knee.

I started screaming and crying as Gabby came running over. She picked me up and carried me inside. She sat down on the couch and put me on her lap. Soda came running to the living room with an ice pack and bandaids. I cried, and cried, and cried, but Darry was no where to be found. It was just me, Gabby, and Sodapop.

Gabby held me on the couch rocking me back and forth whispering, "shhh it's okay Pony. Sissys got you", and she kissed my forehead. I calmed down and me, Gabby, and Soda fell asleep, snuggled up on the couch.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flash Forward~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I remember that moment vividly. I think it was the moment I realized the only people I could really talk to other than Johnny is Gabby and Soda.

Gabby pulled me and Soda into a tight hug and we sat there for hours, snuggled up, talking and reminiscing about the happy and sad moments with our mom and dad. We eventually fell asleep snuggled up together, like we used to when we were kids.

This was the first time since mom and dad died, that I actually felt safe, loved, and comforted.

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