Chapter 11

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I woke up early, because I was excited I didn't have work today and I got to hang out with the gang.
I walked into the kids room, and when I walked in, I knew something happened. They were all laying asleep on Pony's bed. Gabby was in the middle, holding them tightly. Soda and Pony had their heads rested on her.

I knew exactly what happened. I always walk in their rooms in the morning to see them sleeping peacefully. Gabby and Soda are usually sharing a bed snuggled up. They've done that since they were little kids. If they were sad or scared, they would snuggle up together. So that means that Pony, Soda, and Gabby were sad about sumthin' last night. It always upset me to see the kids snuggled up because it makes me realize I hadn't done nuthin to help em'.

I walked out of the kids room and closed the door. I made my way to the kitchen to make them some breakfast, when Dally, Johnny, Steve, and Keith all came through the front door. "Aye mornin' Dar. How'd ya sleep?" they asked. I looked up and said, "pretty good. I think Soda Gabby and Pony were cryin last night. When I checked on 'em this mornin' they were asleep together. Could y'all go wake 'em?".

They all exchanged looks and Steve replied with, "No way we're wakin' The Mornin' Demon! Unless anyone wants their eyes ripped outta their head, don't wake Gabby!". I rolled my eyes as Dally said, "eh I'll wake 'em. She won't maul me", he worked his way down the hall to their room. "I say we buy Dallys plot now and move to Mexico so they don't know we witnessed a murder", Keith said quickly. I rolled my eyes and finished making breakfast.


I made my way down the hall to go wake Gabby, Soda, and Pony. I'm not sure what happens to the guys when they wake Gabby, but when I do she's never 'evil' or 'viscous'.

I opened their door and lightly shook Pony and Soda. Pony rubbed his eyes, "Mornin' Dal..", then Pony said in a scared tone, "Dal... please tell me you ain't wakin' Gabby..".

I pulled Pony up off the bed and lay down next to Gabby. Pony walked out of the room to the kitchen. I laid there staring at her with a creepy look. I was breathing loudly so she would wake up, see me, and get scared.

Gabby rolled over and I said in a mocking tone with a creepy smile, "morning Curtis Princess". Gabby opened her eyes and gave me a bad look. "Aye what's that for, Foxy", as Dally said that, Soda sat up in bed, "Dal you must've been real brave to wake the demon", Soda chuckled at his own remark.

Gabby heard him and she sat up in bed. She turned to Soda and said, ".....DEMON...??!", she gave him a jokingly scary look. Soda's eyes got wide, and I can't blame him. She stood up on the bed, and body slammed him with all her force. Gabby got off the bed and said, "and a good mornin' to you too Dal!", she shook my hand, smiled, and walked down the hall to the kitchen. I turned to Soda and chuckled mockingly. "She's so tiny.... HOW IS SHE SO STRONG?!", Soda winced. I chuckled again and motioned for Soda to get outta bed, "c'mon. Let's go eat breakfast".

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