Chapter 40

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I didn't want the moment to end. Sitting with Dallas, snuggled up watching the sunrise. It was all I needed it life. But sadly, the sunrise can't last forever.

By around 7:00, the sky was bright blue.  The birds were chirping and the sun was shining. Me and Dallas got up, and walked back to the car holding hands.


I had finally decided if I would let Gabby drop out of school or not. I was gonna let her drop out, I would just hope she could find a decent job.

I walked into Pony, Soda, and Gabby's room to wake them and tell Gabby the good news. When I got into the room, Gabby's bed was empty.

"Soda?! Pony?! Where's Gabriella?!"

They sat up in bed drowsily, "huh..? What do you mean...?  she's right-", as Soda pointed to her bed, he realized her and Dallas were gone.

He jumped out of bed and walked over to Gabby's bed, "hey Dar! There's a note from Dallas", he said motioning for me to come over.

'Be back around 8:00 a.m, I'm takin' Gabby to the place where dreams are made :) -Dally'

We exchanged confused looks, "the place where dreams are made...? What's that?", Soda asked.

I shrugged, "you'd ask as if I knew. Well, I guess we'll find out at 8:00. Now c'mon Soda. You've gotta get ready for work, and Pony I said get up. So get ya lazy butt up and get ready for school".

As I walked into the kitchen to make breakfast, Gabby and Dallas came through the front door.

"Hey, where's 'the place where dreams are made'?"

Dallas smiled, "someplace I knew Gabby would love".


All Gabby ever told me when we were younger was that 'she wanted to sit in a flowery meadow and watch the sunrise'. It's all she ever wanted when we were kids. Pony was the same way. He loved the sunrise, the sunset, the stars, they were real alike that way.

Gabby and I walked to the couch and plopped down, "so. What'd ya think of the flowers?", I asked as I threw my arm around her shoulder.

She looked up at my face and smiled, "it's all I've ever wanted. It was perfect", she kissed me and rested her head on my chest.

Now I didn't know much, but what I did know was that I loved Gabby and I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life.

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