Chapter 23

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After Johnny announced to the entire bus that I basically was with Dallas while I was with Harry, everything went blank. I knew Harry would some how find out before I got to him to tell him myself. "Gabby I'm so sorry! I was in shock! I didn't mean to say it that loudly!", Johnny explained.

I honestly didn't care if people found out because I was gonna end it with Harry today anyways, I just wanted to be the one who told him.

The bus hauled to a stop. We'd finally gotten to school. I flew up out of my seat, grabbed Johnny's hand, and we practically flew to my class as fast as possible.

When we got there, Harry was with Cherry, again. I let go of Johnny's hand but he still followed closely behind. "Oh hey Cherry! What're ya doin' there with my boyfriend?", I said in a question form, when I already knew the answer.

Harry put his hands up into the air, "Gabby I swear it isn't what it looks like! Cherry was all over me! She kept touching me and I did nothing!", Harry insisted. I rolled my eyes, "okay listen buddy. You can cut the bull shit because I saw y'all 2 days ago. You were practically swallowing this tramps face! So don't you DARE act like your loyal now".

Harry sat there with his mouth hanging open. Cherry got up and walked over to me, "WHAT did you just call me?!", I got in her face, "you heard me. Whatcha gonna do 'bout it, bitch ?".  Johnny rushed over, "alright Gabby I think that's enough", he said as he pulled me back away from Cherry, "now tell Harry whatcha wanna say".

I pulled out of Johnny's grip and walked over to Harry. On the way over, I grabbed Cherry's chocolate milk carton. "This thing we had goin' on Harry, it's over. So I hope you and your whore have a great life", I said with a sarcastic smile. Before I walked away, I dumped the chocolate milk on Harry's head, and shoved Cherry into the wall.

Johnny threw his arm around my shoulder as we walked out of the room, "I can tell the guys and I have taught you well", he said with a chuckle. I laughed and rest my head on his shoulder.

Johnny may be clueless at times, but he always comes through when I need him the most. That's why I think of him as a brother. He reminds me a lot of Ponyboy and Sodapop.

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