Chapter 5

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I ran. And I didn't stop. I ran the entire 20 minutes home. I burst through the door bawling my eyes out. "DARRY?! DARRY?! DARRY WHERE ARE YOU?!".
There was no answer. I walked into the kitchen to get water to try and calm myself down, when I saw a note on the fridge from Darry. 'Had to go into work today. If you need me call me at work. -Darry'

There was no way I was gonna call Darry at work. His coworker would most likely answer, and I don't want a random guy hearing me bawl my eyes out.

Soda didn't get out of work till 2, and school ended at 3, so I was gonna be alone for I don't even know how long. I walked quickly into my room, threw my backpack across the room in rage and screamed, "I HATE HARRY I HATE HARRY I HATE HARRY!" I lunged myself onto the bed face first. I couldn't stop myself from crying, and at that moment, all I wanted was Soda. He would cheer me up but I couldn't call him. We can't afford for Darry or Soda to skip work, and surely if I called Soda and told him what happened, he would leave work.

I heard the front door open. I thought it was Soda or Darry, so I ran to the front door crying my eyes out and hugged them immediately.

"Woah hey Foxy. I can see your in a good mood". That's when I realized it wasn't Soda or Darry I was holding. It was Dally.

I looked up and looked Dally in the eyes. His flirty smirk faded to a frown and he said sadly, "hey wait a minute. What's the matter Gabby? Why are you crying?". I tried to get the words out but it was hard. I managed to say in between sobs, "Ha-ha-Harry....Che-at-ated.. o-on.. m-m-me..", and as I said that, I fell to the ground sobbing. Dally knelt down and picked me up. He carried me over to the couch and held me close, rocking me. "Shh hey hey Gabby. Look at me. He's a jerk. You don't want a little shit like that anyway. One day, your gonna find ya self a guy that'll treat you like the princess that you are. Your beautiful and if anyone's stupid enough to cheat on ya, they ain't worth it. And you better believe me and the boys are gonna find this guy and beat him". Dally grabbed a blanket next to us, and wrapped me in it.

Dally always had a soft spot for me and Johnny. In front of everyone, he's tough. But when it comes to me and Johnny, if anyone screws us over, Dally will stop at no costs to make us feel better.

I tried to smile at Dally, but I started to cry again. "Come 'ere girly", he pulled me into a hug and held me tight.


I sat there rocking Gabby back and forth for a long time. I hated seeing her in pain. She's been in a lot of pain since her mom and dad died. She had told me the only people she likes to talk to when she's upset is me, Pony, Soda, and Johnny. She's scared to show Darry how she feels inside, because she's scared he'll just tell her to suck it up.

I hate seeing Gabby in pain. It's one of my least favorite things, and it kills me what that Harry jerk did to her. I'm gonna find him and he's gonna regret what he did. Harry's a socs so the gang never really approved of him, and this is gonna piss them off over the brim.

As I looked down, Gabby had cried herself to sleep. I carried her to her room, I put some sweatpants on her,  took her jumper and headband off, so she was in sweatpants and a long sleeved shirt. I tucked her into bed, and kissed her forehead. I whispered, "tell anyone about this and I'll just about kill ya", I knew she was asleep and couldn't hear me, but I wanted to prove to myself I didn't go soft. 

I didn't wanna leave her yet, so I sat in a chair next to her bed. I always teased her and acted like I had a huge crush on her, but really I looked at her like a little sister. I sat there looking at her. Gabbys eyes were red and puffy from crying. It hurt me to see her sad, so I held back tears, but my eyes filled up. A tear fell from my cheek and I wiped it away quickly. I got up and walked out of Gabby's room.

As I was walking out the front door, Soda was walking in. "Hey Dal! What're ya doin' here?", Soda asked. "Listen Soda. Gabby's inside asleep. She ran away from school today bc that jerk ass socs Harry cheated on her. Don't wake her up, let her sleep. She was cryin' for about 4 hours, and she needs rest. She kept askin' for ya so she's gonna wanna talk to ya when she wakes.", I said to soda sadly, but I tried to sound firm. Soda now had an angry frown on his face. He looked like he was gonna start cryin', but he looked mad as well. "I'm gonna kill that stupid socs", soda said through gritted teeth.

As Soda stormed into the house with angry tears in his eyes, I pat his back, and I walked on down the road.

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