Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 9

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 9

“Marian?” called Tyler, looking at the edge of the clearing.

“That’s me,” she replied, walking over to him and holding out a lighter for him to take.

“Thanks for that,” said Tyler.

Marian nodded.

“She’s here!” called Ryan loudly.

“Thank you for the announcement,” said Archer walking up to Marian.

He grinned when he saw her.

“Come to admire our camp – maybe even stay the night? You know how cold it gets out here.”

Marian glared at him.

“No thanks, I just came to see you were all okay, and it seems you are,” she said.

“We don’t need you to babysit us Marian. You are looking at grown men who can look after themselves,” replied Archer.

“Oh grown men you say? Ones that leave their loved ones behind, thinking it’s a good idea?” Marian said, getting more annoyed by the second.

Archer threw his hands up in the air. “I never meant to hurt you like that Marian. Can’t you at least think about what I’ve said?”

Marian looked at him.

“Archer, saying your sorry doesn’t make things any better the majority of the time. Don’t be sorry, be willing to change!”

“What about us?” asked Archer, dreading what she would say.

“I-I respect you as a person – but I can no longer see you as anything more than a friend. You must understand that. The girl you left behind in Australia doesn’t exist anymore.”

Archer couldn’t help but chuckle.

“I’m not so sure about that – you’re still just as stubborn.”

“Well thank you for the lovely compliment but unfortunately I have better things to do with my time than to argue with you. Here’s some food for you and your ‘grown men’,” she said, tossing him the box.

“Thank you Marian,” whispered Archer, as she vanished back into the trees.

The boys made their way over to Archer, but none of them had any idea what to say.

Seth patted his shoulder awkwardly and said, “Marian’s a strong girl with a beautiful heart. She’s still so hurt by you going off to war. Honestly, it may take months before she even tries to talk to you nicely.”

Archer smirked.

“And don’t do that in front of her either,” sighed Tyler.

“Do what?” asked Archer.

“Smirk at her. Girls hate that.”

“Yeah, and Marian could easily beat the crap out of you if she wanted to,” laughed Alex.

Archer opened his mouth to say something but Tyler quickly intervened.

“I’m kind of hungry; can we stop arguing about Marian and eat something?”

The guys laughed, Tyler was always hungry.

Archer ripped open the box Marian had given him and took some cookies out, before passing it on to each of his friends.

Tyler walked over ro the place he had made for the fire and lit it.

The boys sat down, looking up at the stars silently for a while.

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