Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 34

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 34

“You will not need to be at my house for more than a few days,” said Lachlan to one of his guests.

“And then you will be ready to leave for Afghanistan?” asked the guest.

Lachlan nodded.

“Yes Rodger, I will.”

The man called Rodger smiled as he got in the limousine.

“It’s going to be a pleasure doing business with you.”

“As it is with you,” laughed Lachlan, shutting the door.

He had a few more stops to make before he could take his guests back to his place, and the day was ticking by fast.


“Mr R Alexis,” muttered Lucas, putting down a place card on the large dining room or work table.

He had a diagram written out on a piece of paper in one hand, while the other hand held the place cards to put around the table. He moved to the next spot and looked at the paper, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. He looked down a the place card, then back at the diagram.

“Terrence Marshall,” he whispered to himself, racking his brain and trying to work out where he had heard the name before.

“It couldn’t be,” he muttered, shaking his head.

Lucas shakily took the place card and put it on the table.

“He’s in the force – the front line in fact. It’s impossible for it to be the same person.”

Lucas wiped his hand through his hair and took a breath. A cop working for Lachlan – now that was something Archer needed to know. He pulled out his phone and texted Marian a short message.

‘One of Lachlan’s guests is one of the best cops in town.’


Marian continued to run down the back streets of town, trying to avoid the main roads in case Lachlan was there.

She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and pulled it out quickly. Lucas’ name flashed on the screen as she opened up the message.

“What?” panted Marian as she read what was on the screen.

She came to a complete stop and reread the message, making sure she had heard correctly.

“Someone in the police?” she nearly shouted.

She shook her head, no wanting to believe it. Marian hit the reply button and asked

‘Can you give me a name to confirm it’s someone in the force?’

She snapped the phone shut and continued to run towards her destination, silently praying she could identify who Lucas was talking about.


Guy poured Rodger a glass of wine and plastered on a fake smile. He hated some of the men the partnered with. They were too fancy and refused to get their hands dirty; instead throwing money at others to do the hard work for them.

Both he and Lachlan sat across from Rodger, watching him as he took a sip.

“Who are we picking up next?” asked Rodger.

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