Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 12

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 12

Marian walked inside the house and looked at the time.

It was really too early to be awake, and yet it was hardly worth going back to sleep.

All she could think about was her dear father.


Archer woke up and looked over at the other boys.

They were all still sound asleep.

He decided he’d go see Marian, may be even have a shower at her place (even though they had a portable one with the camp).


Back at home, Marian was busy tidying up her father’s room so it would be clean for when he returned home.

She had thrown out any old newspapers and had given the room a good dose of dusting.

She was about to clean the floor when she heard a knock at the door.

She groaned.

It would either be Lachlan or Archer.

She walked calmly to the front door and opened it.

Relief washed over her – it was Archer.

“Morning,” she said quietly.

Archer looked concerned.

“Can I come in?” he asked.

“Sure,” said Marian, letting him go past her.

“Where’s your father?” he asked curiously.

Marian let a small tear escape – she’d tried to keep her mind at ease.

“He’s at the hospital.”

“Why?” asked Archer.

“Why do you even care Archer?” snapped Marian.

Archer calmly went up to her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

“What happened Marian? I’m willing to listen.”

Marian took in a shaky breath and led him into her lounge room.

“My father had some kind of mini heart attack or something – I’m still not quite sure. So I called the hospital and they sent some people right away. I spend about three hours there, and I ran into Lachlan.”

Archer’s eyes widened.

“Did he hurt you Marian?”

“No, actually he helped me. My father needs a special device to make sure his heart stays at a normal level. It would have cost us ten thousand dollars, but Lachlan stepped in and promised to pay it. Then he took me home.”

“Marian, don’t you see though. He’s only doing that because he wants you. I bet if he got half the chance he’d kill your father too, just so he could get closer to you.”

“Archer don’t say things like that. As it was I had little choice in the matter. I couldn’t let my father die so I played along with it all.”

“So you gave Lachlan your address? Marian that’s stupid!” said Archer.

Marian huffed.

“He knew my address because the hospital gave it to him when he was filling out the stuff for the medical device. I was going to give him a false address until I found out he knew where I lived.”

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