Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 40

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 40

When Marian woke she was lying in Lachlan’s bed, her head propped up on half a dozen fluffy pillows and the covers were pulled over her body. She looked around at her surroundings and saw no one else was in the room with her.

She reached up a shaky hand and touched her neck, stroking it softly. It didn’t hurt that much, it was just a little sore from before.

Needless to say, it could have been a lot worse.

Marian glanced to her right and saw a man on the balcony of the room, looking out at the seaside view. She growled in frustration, it turned out she wasn’t alone after all.

She sighed as she rested her head back onto the pile of pillows that had been arranged for her. The encounter she was bound to have with Lachlan sooner or later was not going to be good. He probably had a million other questions he wanted answers to, and there were some Marian probably couldn’t even answer herself.


Lachlan and Guy stood outside the lounge room, talking in low voices as their remaining guests were in the other room.

“You killed Terrence, a police officer,” said Guy, running his hand through his hair nervously.

“A corrupt one,” replied Lachlan, shrugging his shoulders.

“But nonetheless Terrence was a respected police officer in this town. His death will seem suspicious once word gets out that he’s dead.”

Lachlan shook his head.

“With no body to prove it he’s just missing, and don’t forget we have other connections who can help us out if something is linked to us...that is, if the police are brave enough to accuse us of it.”

Guy sighed loudly.

“Those contacts aren’t as strong.”

“They’ll do,” shrugged Lachlan.

“What do you propose we do with the body?” Guy asked wearily.

“Where is it now?” asked Lachlan.

“Down in the torture room next to that back exit,” replied Guy.

Lachlan thought for a minute before snapping his finger.

“Take one of the men, perhaps Lucas – he appears like he’s got his head screwed on straight and he won’t ask too many questions. Go to that remote bushland out of town where we normally go and bury the body like we’ve done for others. I’ll make sure we get someone to keep an eye on the police in the area and make sure they don’t get suspicious. With any luck they’ll do one of their minor investigations, get led to a dead end and close the case up as they sometimes do with deaths like these.”

Guy grinned at those words.

“And then what?” he asked.

Lachlan laughed.

“Kill him and bury his body with Terrence’s.”

“Why?” Guy asked confused.

Lachlan rolled his eyes as he replied, “The Nightrider, or should I say Marian, tried to help that twerp escape. He must have been in on her secret the whole time.”

Guy nodded.

“You’re right. Should I go now and get it over with?”

“Yes, the quicker the better,” replied Lachlan dismissively, going back into the lounge room to join his guests.

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