Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 42

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 42


~ Three days later ~

“We're sitting on a full tank of fuel, plus we will have regular stop-offs at certain destinations on the map you boys have so kindly provided me with,” said Hamish, walking across an old airstrip that was lined with many different light aircrafts.

“Are you sure you know how to fly this plane your friend has loaned us?” asked Dan worriedly, following Hamish along with the rest of the boys.

Hamish let out a deep laugh.

“Of course I do, you boys are in very safe hands.”

Lucas walked in step with Archer, and glared at Hamish’s back.

“I hope he hasn’t been drinking,” he whispered to Archer.

Without turning around Hamish replied, “I heard that, and for the record, I most certainly have not had anything to drink in over a day.”

“You deserve a medal for that achievement,” joked Alex.

Hamish nodded.

“I think so too.”


Lachlan kept a firm grip on Marian’s left arm as they walked towards what appeared to be a private jet.

“How many people did you kill for this?” asked Marian bitterly, trying to yank her arm free from his grasp.

“No one Marian, I’ve had this for a while and I bought it fair and square,” replied Lachlan, not even bothering to look at her.

“Yeah, with blood money,” retorted Marian, still struggling in his grasp.

She expected a slap across the face for what she had said, and was very surprised when all he did was ignore her comment. For the last three days she had done anything and everything in her power to tick him off and sabotage his plans.

She thought back to yesterday morning, when she was alone in the room.


Men were standing guard around the outside of the room to make sure she didn’t try and escape. Marian had decided to go to the bathroom and check if the phone was where she had left it. To her great surprise there were a few missed calls – all from Lucas’ mobile. At first she thought it may have been a trick of some sort, or calls she had missed before his death, but eventually she worked up the strength to dial his number and see what happened. It made its little dial noise for quite some time, and just as Marian was about to give up and end the call, she heard something from the other end.

“Hello,” came the voice of Lucas.

She nearly dropped the phone at the sound of his voice.

“Lucas?” she whispered, too shocked to believe her own ears.

“Yes Marian, I’m here,” he replied.

“’re supposed to be dead,” she said in bewilderment.

“Am I?” asked Lucas. “Now who could have possibly told you that?”

“Lachlan did. He told me no matter what I did he was going to have you killed. Then the next morning Guy came and told me how he had killed you.”

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