Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 1

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 1

“Marian, he’s back!” exclaimed Lucy, hugging Marian as she strolled into her room.

“What do you mean by ‘he’?” asked Marian, rolling her eyes.

She could already tell where this was going; she knew her best friend all too well.

“Archer silly, he’s returned from the war in Afghanistan!”

“I heard Lucy, my father told me yesterday,” Marian stated. “This doesn’t change anything.”

“But he’s back now – I bet he’s missed you! And I’ll bet he’s being dying to see you too. I mean it’s been 3 years since he left an-”

“Exactly,” said Marian, cutting her off. “Lucy, it’s been 3 years. I never received anything from him telling me if he was safe or even just a message telling me he was alive. I gave up hope of ever seeing him again. Besides, I was young and naive back then.”

“Oh my dear Marian, you two were in love with each other. You gave each other everything,” said Lucy, winking at her dramatically.

“Look Lucy, if he really did love me the way he used to, surely he would’ve sent me a letter, at least telling me he was alright or something.”

“But Marian, you’re missing the point! He’s back safe and well. Perhaps you should go see him,” smiled Lucy thoughtfully.

“Absolutely not Lucy. He told me a week before he left about leaving for war. This was the morning after I’d given him every part of me! Do you know how much it hurt to find out he’d be leaving. It’s a shame he came back, it was best to think I wouldn’t see him again,” Marian said sadly.

“Marian, I’m really sorry you feel like this. But please, he was young and naive too, he didn’t know what he was doing. Just give him a chance,” begged Lucy.

“I don’t plan to go near him. He hasn't missed me and I’ll bet he has already taken fancy in some other girl,” Marian argued.

“Well then how come you never went out with any other guys after Archer left? Surely, or at least may be, he has done the same,” suggested Lucy.

“There must’ve been many beautiful girls that he saw while he was over there, I doubt he thought of me. And the reason why I didn’t go out with any other guys is because I didn’t want the same trouble Archer gave me,” she said fiercely.

“That’s not the full reason though, is it? You couldn’t go out with any other guy because you did, and still do, love Archer.”

“No Lucy, you're wrong. I didn’t want my heart broken again. I didn’t want to give myself away to another guy who, let’s face it – may wake up one day and tell me they have to leave me,” Marian said.

“Hmmm...we shall see. You were sixteen when he left and now you’re nineteen. Surely you’ve grown to forgive him?” questioned Lucy.

“Surely I have not,” replied Marian through gritted teeth.

Lucy sighed. “Well I have to go Marian. I just came to tell you the news, although now it’s clear you didn’t need to hear it twice. I’ll talk to you later,” she said, giving Marian a hug and walking towards the bedroom door.

“Oh and Lucy?” called Marian.

“Yes?” asked Lucy.

“Archer doesn’t need to know know,” said Marian quickly.

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