Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 23

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 23

“His grave?” questioned Lachlan.

Marian nodded.

“Please, it’d mean the world to me,” she begged, hating herself for being this desperate.

Lachlan bent down and kissed Marian’s cheek softly.

“If you promise me you won’t try and make a run for it. You see, I don’t want to hurt you – but I’ll have no choice if you run off on me like that,” he whispered darkly in her ear.

Marian shivered involuntarily.

“Thank you,” she whispered as he led her out of the room.

She made her way through the house with Lachlan holding her hand every step of the way, glancing at him once in a while to see what his expression was.

He was absolutely gorgeous – there was no doubt about it.

His character and moral values were what made him ugly.

Marian knew at some point there must have been some good in him – before he hardened his heart towards any goodness he might have possessed.

They walked past Guy who was busy talking to one of Lachlan’s other men.

He smiled and nodded at Lachlan, before smirking at Marian and going back to talking.

In some ways, he seemed even more dangerous than Lachlan.


Lucy got out of the car and briskly made her way into the supermarket, eyeing the trolleys.

“They’ll need quite a bit of food,” muttered Lucy, going over to take a trolley.

She took the closest one and wheeled it through the supermarket’s automatic doors, looking at all the different sections and aisles.

“May I help you with anything?” asked one of the employees.

Lucy smiled.

“Can you tell me where you keep all your easy to cook meals?” she asked.

“Certainly. Just keep walking straight ahead, then make a turn into aisle four; they’re about half way down on the left,” replied the employee.

“Thanks,” said Lucy, following the instructions he had given her.

She had already made a list in her head of what kinds of things the boys would be needing – which consisted of easy meals, toiletries, torches, matches and many other things Lucy deemed would be important to them.

She turned into the aisle she had been directed to and walked down the left hand side, looking for the meals.


Marian sat quietly in the passenger side of the car, waiting for Lachlan to start the engine.

They were in one of the new cars, with this particular one being a convertible.

“Like it?” he asked Marian.

“As long as it can get us from point A to point B, it’s a good car,” she replied bluntly.

Marian really didn’t care much for materialistic things – cars being one of them. Her heart was more for people and the community, which was something not many people could understand.

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