Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 43

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 43

“This is the last stop before we leave the country,” said Hamish as the boys sat outside the aircraft.

They had been flying for a few days, and now Hamish was positive the plane would make it across the sea with no problems at all. The plane was in perfect condition, it just needed a ‘new lick of paint and a bit of love’ as Alex had put it.

Archer was putting more fuel into the plane, although Hamish claimed that the tank was nowhere near empty.

This remark had sent Tyler into a lecture of all the dangers of running out of fuel, which included his elaborate descriptions of various ways the boys could die out at sea or from the impact of the crash itself.

Hamish loved to stir up Tyler and get him worried, and had successfully tricked him multiple times about emergency landings, ‘just to have a laugh’.

“How long do you think it will take us?” asked Seth, taking a bite an apple and leaning against the plane.

Hamish shrugged.

“I’m not worried about how long it takes, let’s just get there alive,” he said, emphasizing the last word and glancing at Tyler to see his horrified expression. “If all goes well we should get there a day or two after Lachlan.”


Marian sat in the room as she had for the last few days, only coming out to use the toilet or have something to eat. She didn’t want to be in the company of Lachlan or any of his men, they were all just as bad for going along with his plan.

She had been trying to come up with plans of her own, and yet nothing had seemed to work out in her mind. Every time she had said something to Lachlan it was out of hatred for him and he often picked up on it, hitting her for being outspoken.

Marian knew it was time to change tactics if she were to stop Lachlan shipping the weapons over to the Taliban. She would switch nasty words for ones of kindness and instead of pulling away, she would openly kiss him and declare her love for him, all the while trying to gain his trust so she could stab him in the back later – where that last thought was metaphorical or literal, Marian was not quite sure. She knew it would take every ounce of strength left in her to do it, but it was the only thing left. Thoughts of killing Lachlan now that he was out of the country had crossed her mind, but she knew there was always Guy and his other men to get through, who wouldn’t be so forgiving once Lachlan was out of the picture.

“Marian,” called Lachlan, coming into the room and shutting the door behind him.

She could see a glass of alcohol in his hands, meaning he would be more aggressive to her if she made her usual remark.

“Hi Lachy,” she said softly, keeping her hands in her lap and praying she would be able to act like she actually loved the monster before her.

He moved over to her and plopped himself next to her, looking at her closely.

“Is something the matter?” she asked innocently.

His eyes narrowed.

“You haven’t given me a smart remark yet,” he stated.

Marian faked a loud sigh.

“I have realised how wrong I was about you Lachlan,” she said, scooting closer to him. “You want the best for me, and all I’m doing is going behind your back and lying to your face, often telling you how much I hate you.”

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