Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 36

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 36

Marian swore under her breath. Guy must know something is up by now. Her tougher side was hidden under layers of gentleness only a young girl could possibly possess, and he seemed to have acknowledged that. He knew she wasn’t a mere child that knew nothing of the events that were about to happen; she was a plausible threat, a potential danger to the plans he and Lachlan had spent thousands of hours on. Plans that had been coming together easily and without problem – until Marian came along.

“I have to act soon,” she muttered.  “I need to talk to one of the men, but how?”

She pictured all of the men, wondering which one she could possibly get to turn away from Lachlan. Terrence Marshall seemed like the obvious choice as he used know Marian’s father when she was younger.

‘Did he recognise me?’ Marian asked herself. ‘Would he listen to me, or has greed corrupted him to the point he won’t listen to anyone other than Lachlan?’

She pondered over her choices, knowing if she didn’t take a risk soon she might not get the chance again.

A thought suddenly popped into her head and she grinned. Marian wouldn’t pay him a visit, but what if unmasked character could? That way she wouldn’t have to bother with introductions, all she needed to do was get him in a situation where he had to talk.

“I’ll take one of my daggers,” said Marian, slowly pacing around the garden. “Put him in a head lock or something along those lines and then hold the dagger to his throat, making him tell me all he knows about Lachlan’s plans and try convincing him to go against Lachlan’s plans.”

Marian shook her head after she had spoken.

It was dangerous, in fact too dangerous. He could be a lot stronger and turn the dagger on her.

That’s when another thought popped into her head, one that was a bit safer, and yet still carried similar consequences if she were caught.

She sat down and pulled out her phone. She scrolled through the contacts until she got to Lucas’ name, hitting the call button and praying he would pick up.


Lucas tipped his head in respect at the guests as they walked past with Lachlan leading them. He had only just finished putting the guests bags in the rooms with a few other men, and hoped it was up to Lachlan’s high standards. Just as he turned the corner, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, causing him to jump with fright. He quickly removed it from the pocket, flipping it open and answering the call.

“Hello,” he said.

“Hey Lucas, it’s Marian.”

“Is there a reason why you’re calling me?” asked Lucas, looking around to make sure no one was watching him.

“Well yes actually. I need to talk to you.”

“About what?” asked Lucas, beginning to move faster.

“Meet me in the back gardens okay?”

Lucas sighed.

“Okay, but make sure you’re towards the very back of the gardens. You know what would happen if we were caught, especially alone in a garden.”

He snapped the phone shut and picked up his pace even more. He was paranoid about Lachlan and the guests, from what he had seen they looked like a pretty nasty bunch to mess with.

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