Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 38

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 38

Archer and Alex had reached the pub they used to sneak off to every now and then before they had gone to war. They stood next to the motorbike, removing their helmets cautiously and keeping their heads down.

Alex turned to his friend, looking up slightly.

“So we try to find Hamish?”

Archer nodded.

“And then what?” asked Alex, shifting slightly.

Archer shrugged.

“Good question, I haven’t really thought that far ahead.”

Alex rolled his eyes at Archer’s reply.

“I guess we should buy him a drink,” grinned Archer, remembering the good old days. “He’ll agree to whatever we say that way.”

“Good thinking 99,” laughed Alex, slapping Archer’s back.

They walked up together, looking at the veranda and scanning the tables for the man they were looking for.

Alex cocked his head to one side and peered at a man sitting at the table in the corner, sipping on what appeared to be a cold beer. The man kept his head slightly lowered as he looked blankly out at the road outside the pub.

“Archer,” said Alex, nudging his friend to get his attention. “I think I see him.”

Archer continued to walk with Alex, taking the stairs two at a time. Once they were on the veranda he asked Alex to point out where he thought Hamish was seated.

“There,” breathed Alex, lifting a finger and pointing it directly at the man.

Archer peered at the man, walking past a few tables and nodding back at Alex to go grab the drinks like they had planned.

He continued to walk over to the man, crossing his fingers in the hope that it was Hamish. Archer stopped short about two metres away from the man, trying to get a closer look before pouncing on him.

He had the same sharp murky green eyes and wrinkles around his eyes. His hair was completely grey and was beginning to recede.

Before Archer could take another step closer, the man turned to him and nearly dropped his drink.

“Archer, is that you?” he asked, putting his drink down for the first time and squinting his eyes to get a better look.

Archer grinned in realisation; it was the same Hamish he had said goodbye to over three years ago.

“You bet it is,” he said, pulling out a chair and sitting across from Hamish. “I never thought I’d see you here.”

Hamish chuckled.

“You thought my liver would give out on me before you returned home; I still remember you saying that before you left!”

“That’s right,” replied Archer, shaking his head in amazement.

Hamish was alive and well, and that’s all the encouragement he needed.

“What have you been up to these last few years?” asked Archer, genuinely interested in Hamish’s life. “Staying out of trouble I hope.”

Hamish scoffed.

“Me get into trouble? You’re most certainly one to talk aren’t you boy!”

Archer shrugged.

“War has changed me. I’ve learnt a lot from being over there, although I’m still told I have that same cheeky demeanour about my character.”

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