Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 37

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 37

“Go on,” encouraged Archer.

Alex continued, “We can hire a plane, one that’s just big enough to fit in the six of us and a pilot.”

“Hang on though,” cut in Seth. “Who and where are we going to hire a plane from?”

Alex shrugged.

“It’d be easy enough, and I’m sure the person we hire won’t really care as long as they’re paid.”

It was Archer’s turn to cut in.

“But who would be crazy enough to do that for us?”

“We can ask around, and you know there are some people around here that would do just about anything for a bit of cash.”

Archer nodded grimly.

“You’re right Alex – I think your idea could work, if we find the right person for the job.”

“Better start looking then,” smiled Alex.

"How do we know anyone would be crazy enough to do this though?"asked Tyler, mimicking Archer's earlier questioning.

"If we don't at least try, that means Lachlan's already won," said Alex.

"We might not even have to try that much," said Dan quietly.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Seth, who was surprised Dan had spoken up.

Dan took in a sharp breath as all his friends' eyes turned towards him. He hated any kind of attention and preferred to remain in the background when it was possible.

"Don't you remember that old guy that used to sit around outside the local pub? When we were younger he'd tell us about his days in the airforce and the planes he flew. Perhaps he could be a possible option for us if we were to find out where he was now."

Archer let a small noise escape his lips.

"Ah, you mean old Hamish Modley?" he asked.

Dan nodded.

"He was a real character," said Tyler, smiling as he thought of Hamish.

"He was half drunk when he told us most of the stories," said Ryan.

"But he's the type that would be crazy enough to help us out, not only because of the large amount of money we're offering, but also because I think he just generally loved us," said Archer.

“We still need some kind of light aircraft,” Seth pointed out. “A small plane of some sort.”

“What about the airstrip that’s about half an hour down town?” suggested Archer, hitting himself that they did not mention it earlier.

Ryan shook his head.

“Everything is coming together too well, plus you’ve all got unrealistic expectations that Hamish will actually be willing to help us. For all we know he could be off his face when we talk to him, and that is only if we’re able to find him.”

Alex sighed in frustration.

“Always the pessimist; can’t you be a little more positive? This isn’t just about what Lachlan has been playing for who knows how long, try to think about Marian in all of this! What is she going to do if we don’t do anything to stop Lachlan? She’ll probably take matters into her own hands and get herself killed.”

He looked to Archer, giving him an apologetic look for saying it, even though deep down they all knew it was more than possible.


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