Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 24

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 24

Archer waited outside the shops, hoping Alex wasn’t too far behind.

He laughed as he recalled the look on Lachlan’s face when he overtook him and swerved into the lane. Marian however, looked less than impressed – he could even go as far as saying she looked a little worried.

Which bought him back to the reason for all of this...


The only thing he and Lachlan had in common was the fact they were both deeply in love with her – and of course, they both liked to take risks.

“What do you think you were doing?” called a voice from behind him, causing him to jump with surprise.

Archer turned around to see Alex take his helmet off.

“It was just for a bit of fun. No harm done Alex.”

“You were showing off to Marian – and put both her and yourself in danger.”

Archer rolled his eyes.

“Let’s just move on. Besides, don’t you want to see your little girlfriend?”

“Lucy is not my girlfriend,” replied Alex through gritted teeth as he marched past Archer and in through to the supermarket.

“But she will be,” yelled Archer, following his friend. “You and her could be expecti-”

“Shut up!” hissed Alex, cutting him off. “She’s right over there.”

Both boys’ glazes fell on Lucy as they walked over to greet her close to the inside of the supermarket.

“Lucy,” called Alex.

She turned around from her shopping trolley and smiled warmly.

“Hey, you two are a bit early aren’t you?”

“I know, we’ve just got to grab a few more thins and give you the money,” said Alex.

“Oh it’s okay – I want to do this for you guys.”

“Here,” said Alex, taking out the money and shoving the cash into Lucy’s hand. “It’s Lachlan’s money anyway.”

“Speaking of the devil,” growled Lucy. “How’s Marian coping with things?”

“Fine,” said Archer quickly, taking off to one of the aisles.

“Just need to grab a few more things. You guys go ahead and line up to pay; I’ll meet you there,” he called over his shoulder.

She watched him leave and turned back to Alex as they made their way over to the check out.

“Is she really okay?” asked Lucy as they lined up.

Alex sighed.

“Yes, it’s just hard on Archer. He still loves Marian, even after all these years. It breaks his heart knowing in order to keep everyone else safe – he has to let Marian stay with Lachlan. It's really messing with him.”

“It hurts me too,” said Lucy, her voice breaking slightly. "But I do realise you have to be careful - I want all of you to safe relatively safe."

“We will get her back Lucy,” said Alex, embracing her in a friendly hug. "I promise."


“Marian, you go get changed for the pool - I just need to talk to Guy about a few things,” said Lachlan as they walked through the entrance of the house.

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