Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 3

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 3

Marian stood a few yards away from her house. She rummaged through her back pack, looking for her ‘dance’ clothes. She pulled out a pink bow and tied it around her ponytail, then removed her hair pin daggers. She took off her mask and scarf and threw them back into the bag, before peeling off her hoodie. She bent down again, looking for her pink singlet.

“Here it is,” she muttered.

She slipped it over her head and over top of the black singlet she had worn under the hoodie. She grabbed the back pack and walked a few paces to the gate of her house. She carefully opened the gate, taking just as much care when she shut it.

She walked up to the front door still thinking, ‘He’ll be worried sick about me.’

Marian knocked on the door and a second later her father opened it.

“Oh Marian, I was getting worried. What took you so long?” he asked with concern.

“Dance lessons went a little late tonight,” she said.

“Well at least you’re safe,” he smiled.

“Yeah. Well good night, I’m feeling tired so I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” said Marian, kissing her father on the cheek.

“Good night Marian, sleep well,” smiled her father.

“Thank you, I will. You too,” she replied over her shoulder, running up the stairs.

As soon as she got to her room, she shut the door and fell to the ground. It had been a big night – Archer could’ve been killed and she still did not know if he’d made it back safely. She knew she’d have to talk to Archer again, rolling her eyes at the thought of it.

“Oh well...that can wait until tomorrow,” she mumbled.

She picked herself up off the floor and laid down on her bed. She didn’t even bother to change into her pyjamas. She just slowly shut her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Archer sat at the table of his new house. He and his friends were still shocked about what happened.

“Here comes the food,” said Tyler, bringing around plates.

“Thanks,” said Archer.

“Yeah, thanks Tyler,” smiled Ryan.

Within a minute they all had a plate of food in front of them and began to eat.

Just then, Dan, who hardly ever spoke exclaimed, “I say, did any of you tell the cops about the tattoo we saw on each guy’s arm?”

“Why, no I didn’t,” said Alex.

“I forgot,” said Archer, “Did anyone tell the cops about it?” he asked hopefully.

One by one, they all shook their heads.

“Okay, can any of you remember what it looked like? Archer questioned.

Dan spoke up again, “Yes, it was dark so it’s hard to say for sure, but it looked to me like a twisted cross of some sort. A very strange shape if you ask me.”

“I saw that too. I think Dan’s right,” said Tyler.

Archer nodded. “Alright. Tomorrow, I will find out who they are.”

“How?” questioned Seth.

“An old friend,” said Archer grinning.

Tyler gave him a strange look but knew not to ask questions.

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