☁️🍀💚Clingy Togami💛💸☁️

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Hewoooo my little strawberries~ 🍓

Welcome back to another Oneshot!

Today's Oneshot was requested by the amazing,
@OrokaBerry !!

Thank you so much for requesting, and I hope you all enjoy!

CG: Makoto Naegi
Little: Byakuya Togami


Babyspace was something Byakuya would always slip into if he slipped.
It would be a rare occasion if he slipped into LittleSpace, however.

In Babyspace, he would always want his CG's attention! But sometimes, that would be difficult..

~Present Day~

As of right now, Makoto was doing his homework. He sometimes would wait last minute to do them, he liked the challenge of turning it in on time!
So far he got most of them done, but he had to do only one more..!

Byakuya was sitting on the couch by himself.. his toys were in the other room, and he didn't really feel like getting them.
So he just sat there and played with his hands.. and watched Makoto do his work on the table.

Byakuya shouted, trying to get Makoto's attention.

"Hm? What's up?"
Byakuya didn't say a word, but he just made grabby hands for Makoto.

"B-Byakuya.. I have to finish some homework right now, okay? We can play later.."

"Nwo.. right now!"
Byakuya pouted, glaring at Makoto. Despite this, Makoto didn't pay any mind to him.

".. I swaid now..!"
He repeated, but once again, not a peep.

Togami started to sniffle a bit, tears threatening to fall down his cheeks,

Once more, no response..
Byakuya started to cry for Makoto,
Byakuya pleaded making grabby hands for him once more, he now caught Makoto's attention. (FINALLY-)

"H-hey hey! What's the matter?"
Makoto rushed over to him and kneeled down to his current level.
"Listen.. I'm sorry but Dada has to work for a little bit, okay..? It won't be too long.."

Byakuya shook his head aggressively,
" 'K-Kwoto.."
He woudnt stop making grabby hands for Makoto.. it broke his CG's heart. He just wanted to be picked up..

Without anymore hesitation or question Makoto scooped up Byakuya, and held him close in his arms.
"There.. is this more better..?"
Makoto asked calmly.

Byakuya was still crying.. yet he nodded.

"Would you like to watch me do my homework for awhile?"

"Ywes pwease.."
With a smile, Makoto took him over to his working desk where his laptop currently was.
Sitting him on his lap, he continued to get to work.

After all that, Byakuya seemed much happier being closer to Makoto.
He would get attached to his caregiver in Babyspace, which meant he had to be with him at all times.
Being on his lap, holding his hand, etc.

"Is Dwada almost dwone?"
Byakuya asked, he was feeling anxious to do something else.. he thought this "Big Boy" work was terrible.

"Yup..! Almost done..!"
Makoto exclaimed, doing the final touches to the almost finished essay.

"Annnd! Bam! All done!"
Makoto let out a sigh of relief, then turned in the final piece of work he had to do!

"Ywaayy! Gwood job dada!"
Byakuya exclaimed, doing a small and cute clap for Makoto.

"Aww.. why thank you my love!"
Byakuya and Makoto did a small nose nuzzle to one another, the both of them giggling as they did so.

"Alright, how about we both get into some comfier clothes?"
Makoto insisted getting up from the chair, but he felt a slight tug..

He turned around, and Byakuya was holding on to his shirt sleeve?
"Byakuya? I thought we were gonna get dressed?"

Byakuya nodded, signaling that he knew.
"Oh? Then what's the matter baby?"

The regressed blondie made grabby hands for his Cg, making him sigh.
"...Do you really want dads to carry you everywhere..?"
Makoto asked, only getting a simple nod.
Then soon a small pout started to form on Byakuya's lips.

"Ohhh noo.. no pouting.."
Makoto carried Byakuya bridal style like he did previously,
"There.. is that better?"

"Ywes.. Twank 'ou.."
Byakuya smiled,
"Now.. onward"
Byakuya pointed to the hallway where there room was located, Makoto chuckled.

"Alright, my little prince~"

~Small Little Bonus~

"Byakuya.. I can't carry you forever, Y'know?"

"Ywes chu can! You're so stwong!"
Byakuya praised, making grabby hands for Makoto.

"Hmm.. I guess I am strong arent I?"
Makoto had a sneaky grin, "Well.. since I'm strong, I guess I can do.. this!!"

Makoto picked up Byakuya and spun him and himself around in a small circle!
"Heheheh! Dadaaa!!"

"Whaaaat? You don't like the spiny ride?"
Makoto stopped, Byakuya shook his head.

The lucky boy gave a calm sigh,
"That's alright.. I'll just carry you like you asked."

Makoto brought Byakuya into the bridal style carrying position, he kissed Byakuya's forehead..

"My little cutie.."


We Stan Little Byakuya in this house.. WE STAN 🛐
Also I can actually see him being clingy in LittleSpace though too!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed!
Requests are closed for now but they will be open back up very soon!

Thank you all so much for reading, I love you all so much!! 🍓

Buhhhh bye!


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