☁️🐛💚Little Gentlemen💜🚀☁️

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Hewooo my little strawberries~ 🍓

Welcome back to another Oneshot!

Today's Oneshot was requested by the amazing,
@JadesPlace !!

Thank you so much for requesting, and I hope you all enjoy!

Little: Gonta Gokuhara (AAAAAAAA)
CG: Kaito Momota


'Being true gentlemen.. is harder then Gonta thought..'

Gonta since day one of Hopes Peak Academy always had one goal in mind: Become a True Gentlemen.
Nobody knew why! However, they were happy for Gonta that he had set a goal for himself.

But, sometimes people woudnt really want or understand Gonta's help.
Some people were afraid of him because of how he looked.

'Aaahhh!! You could never be a gentlemen with that kind of look!'

Some were annoyed of how kind he was.

'God.. do you ever not be positive? It's getting annoying.'

It made the poor Gonta feel so confused.. he didn't know what people wanted from him..!
If he was too nice people got angry. If he was too kind people got angry. If he dressed a certain way people got angry..

At this point, Gonta felt ready to.. give up.

They took a deep breath and tried to keep their composure. A strong paint in their heart was distracting his mind.. he's never felt this hurt before.

"Keep together Gonta.. you be okay..'

Taking one more deep breath, he walked up more stairs to the 3rd floor, on the quest to retrieve to his comfy dorm!

'Heyyyy!! Wait about for meeeee!!'

A voice screamed, they seemed to be in distress? Or perhaps that was just the fact they were running up 3 flights of stairs.. (their poor lungs)
No later then 2 seconds Kaito Momota, The Ultimate Astronaut, had appeared!

Gonta gave a gasp of delight,
"K-kaito! You here too?!"

Gonta could feel himself smile as he saw his lover walking towards him.. his heart started to flutter.

"You.. huff huff better b-believe it..!"
Kaito was on his knees doing deep breaths for air.

Gonta started to get slightly frantic,
"Oh no..! Are you okay?! You hurt?"

"Nah nah.. huff I just needed to catch my breath a little bit- anyway!"
Kaito jumped up back to his feet in a flash, "You wanna hang out in my dorm today? It could be like a cool slumber party!"
The spacemen chuckled, "I know it's sudden.. but I missed you! I'd love some one on one time with you babe.."

The very words melted Gonta's heart.. he needed that kindness today.
"Sure..! Gonta would love to!"

"Sweet! I'll bring my stuff and I'll be right over."
Kaito went off in a flash to get his things, leaving Gonta by himself once again.
He smiled,
"So energetic.."

Gonta opened the door to his dorm and walked inside. He closed it but left it unlocked for Kaito, Gonta sighed.

"Sleepover.. have Gonta ever have one before?"
He asked himself. Was this a thing people did for real?
His whole childhood was just him living in the wild with his wolf family.. exploring for bugs.. making bug friends.
Now that Gonta thought about it his childhood wasn't really.. childhood.
It was survival more then anything.

🍼Danganronpa LittleSpace Oneshots🍼 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt