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I used to feel you everywhere. In the cool breeze. At the store we used to shop at. At the library where we had our first kiss. The funny thing is, I don't feel you as much anymore. It makes me wonder, if a long time passes, will you gradually fade from my mind?


I'm walking along the sidewalk, window shopping. I've never been down this specific road before, but I'm enjoying the new scenery. Like always, you're not far from my mind, and I'm picking out items in my mind that you would like.

As I walk on, I come across a store that looks a little unusual. It seems so familiar, as if I'd seen it in a dream or something. I make a split second decision to check it out. Surely this sense of deja vu means something.

 Stepping inside, I'm immediately hit with the clear scent of citrus. It reminds me of you so much; your body wash smelled exactly like this. Blinking rapidly, I make my way to the counter, where someone is standing. They have a hat and face mask on, so I can't see what they look like.

"Um, hi?" I say hesitantly, unsure how to ask. "I'm sorry, I don't really know why I'm here?" The person just looks up at me wordlessly. They stare at me for a minute.

"Don't you?" They finally ask. I blink, surprised by the huskiness of their voice. They take off their hat, revealing blonde hair and freckles lining their cheekbones. Removing the face mask, he stretches out his hand and lifts his chin. "Felix."

I shake his hand to not seem rude. "Reese." He narrows his eyes at me. For someone only a few inches taller than me, he was incredibly intimidating. Felix lets go of my hand and leans back on his heels, pinching his lips together.

"You sure you don't know why you're here?" He asks, cocking one eyebrow. I nod. "You want me to tell you?" He comes around the corner to stand in front of me, looking bored and intrigued at the same time. I nod again. He smirks.

"You lost someone. Love of your life, right?" Felix puts air quotes around the last bit, scoffing a little. Insulted, my tongue pokes the inside of my cheek. He chuckles at my attitude. "You would sell your soul to see her again?" I jerk, surprised he guessed that accurately. 

"You mean that, too. You really would sell your soul for five minutes with that girl." He shrugs, crossing his arms. "You don't really strike me as the type of girl who's into girls, but I'm not really good with my-" he pauses, struggling with the word. "Gaydar? Isn't that the word?" My eyebrows lift, but before I can respond, he continues. 

"Well, you can. If you want." Felix looks at me. I struggle to form a coherent response. "You wouldn't completely sell your soul. See, that's a messy process and then there's getting you through the devil and everything. He's not the nicest guy, so I wouldn't want that for you. And his wife-" Felix snorts. "Yeah, you don't want to deal with the wife. So, I'll make you a deal.

"Ten minutes with her. What's her name?" He snaps his fingers. "Emily? A basic name, but I can't judge. Ten full minutes, to talk and do whatever else humans in love do." He pauses, obviously waiting for me to talk. I swallow, struggling to keep up with what he's saying.

"What do I do?" Felix smiles slightly and uncrosses his arms, bending down a little. He drags a finger along my collarbone and lifts it, smirking at my red face.

"You're not fully into girls. Bi?" He asks, not answering my question.

"Pan," I say, not making eye contact with him. Felix takes that same finger and uses it to raise my head, forcing eye contact. He hums, his deep voice contrasting with his beautiful visuals.

"Alright, angel. Here's the deal. Ten minutes with your dead loved one. You do something for me. It's pretty easy and not hard for humans, especially broken ones like you." I bristle at his words, but he silences me with a look. "Fall in love with me."

mind, body, and soul | lee felixWhere stories live. Discover now