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*TW: Sexual Harassment* (not from our sunshine felix, but from another character ofc)

I sniff, and Felix immediately turns around at the sound. I think I see his face soften at my tears, but it's gone before I can be sure. He stuffs his hands in his pockets and makes his way over to me.

"So," he says, not revealing any emotion whatsoever. "How'd it go?" I give him a dirty look and wipe my face with my hands, trying to hide my grief. I push past him to get to the door, but he grabs me before I do. Keeping one hand on my waist, he brings his other to my face and gently wipes some of the tears off. Felix stares at the tears on his fingers, then at my face.

"Been such a long time-" he murmurs, trailing off and wiping another tear away. Shaking his head, he pulls away suddenly, as if he's been burned. 

Felix looks at me weirdly before pushing me out of the room and back into the front of the store. He walks back behind the counter and does a shooing motion with his hand.

"Okay, your time is up. You can leave now," he says bluntly, not making eye contact. What the hell? One minute, he's literally breathing the same air I am, and now he practically banishing me from the store? I have so many questions, it's unreal.

"Um, no? Not until you-" Felix sends me a look that immediately silences me, one of his eyebrows raised.

"Not until I what? I gave you what you wanted, right? You saw Emily again. What's that saying; ball's in your court, or something like that. It's your turn. Figure it out. By yourself." Felix crosses his arms and lifts his chin. His arrogance is so annoying; it makes me want to tear my hair out and scream.

Pivoting on my heel, I go to leave when I hear his deep voice one more time.

"Angel? Don't forget your bargain." I turn to see him smirking. "You made me a promise. You'll see me again."

Scoffing, I exit the store. I walk quickly to the other end of the street and continue on, not having any thoughts other than to put as much distance between me and Felix as possible. I'm not paying attention to where I'm going.

I bump into a random guy and instantly feel horrible.

"I'm so sorry!" I say quickly, immediately apologizing and giving him a small smile. "That was entirely my fault. I wasn't paying attention at all!" The guy smiles down at me.

***TW scene starts here***

"Aww, it's okay, sweetheart. You can make up for it, you know?" He leans in as I lean back. My heart starts to race and I look around to find that no one is around us. "C'mon, don't look so scared. It's just the two of us." 

The stranger snakes his arm around my waist. I push against his chest angrily.

"Let. Me. Go." I accentuate each word with a punch to his chest, but he just laughs. I start to panic. What do I do? All the basic training, all of the tips from social media have just flown out of the window. Wait. Not all.

I remember that the elbow is the strongest part of the body. Well, that would be helpful, if I could turn, but I can't. Blinking rapidly, I continue to struggle before remembering that the ear is incredible fragile.

(tip for all readers if you find yourself in this position and need to use this: you pinch the lower lobe and yank upwards. the ear is mostly cartilage and will rip easily if enough power is put into it. only use this if necessary!! violence is never the answer 99% of the time, BUT you should be prepared at all times)

Steadying myself, I reach for his ear when I see someone behind the man. This person has a hat and face mask on, which is familiar. Almost looks like- Felix?

My eyes widen, and the harasser must see it, because he grips my wrist and roughly drags me behind me. He shoves me down on the ground and faces Felix, who just takes his hat off nonchalantly. He tsks, placing his hat on the ground and pulling the mask below his nose.

"And you are?" Felix asks the man, slowly walking over. He looks down at me on the ground and his nostrils flare. The man scoffs and places a hand on the back of my neck.

"That's really not your business, son." Felix grabs his hand from me and twists.

"That's where you're wrong, sir." He says, chuckling when the man grunts, trying to free his arm. "I'm not your son, and this really is my business."

Felix suddenly grabs the man's shoulder and pushes him out of my sight. I can't see what's happening, and by the time I scooch around, Felix's on top of the man, beating him senselessly.

mind, body, and soul | lee felixWhere stories live. Discover now