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"Because he can't have what's mine."

Clenching my fists, I turn away from Felix angrily. I'm not "his". I just met him. He's the one acting all weird and territorial. And he still hasn't explained about the deal we made. How did he let me see Emily? He doesn't have the right to call me his and then not answer my questions.

I turn back to him, narrowing my eyes and steeling myself for what I'm about to say. 

"Yours? I'm not yours! I'm my own person, and I can be with who I want, even Jisung." I straighten my back and refuse to show how intimidated I am. This becomes more of a challenge when Felix steps closer to me. He keeps walking towards me until our chests are touching and our faces are inches from each other. If I looked up and leaned in, we would kiss.

Banishing that thought from my mind, I look into Felix's eyes. With confidence I didn't know I had, I raised my eyebrows and smirked.

"What," I said. "Are you all upset, now that I can talk for myself? I'm not playing your game any longer." Felix breathes in deeply and doesn't say a word. He watches me talk, and when I finish, he takes his hat off. He drops it to the ground, never taking his eyes off mine.

As I look at him, his eyes and hair seem to change. Between one blink and another, his eyes go from brown to black, and his hair goes from a light blonde to a dark brown. His aura changes, becoming more intimidating and scary. If my heart wasn't pounding before, it was now.

There's only small changes: the color of his hair and eyes, the way he holds himself. But it's changed his whole demeanor. Before, if I had seen him on the street randomly, I wouldn't have noticed anything weird. But now, I probably would be scared of him. Surely his hat didn't change that much about him?

I don't move away from him. We stand like this for a few moments, neither of us saying a word. Felix raises his hand and presses it lightly against the side of my neck. His gaze drops from my eyes to where his hand is. Pressing harder, but not enough to hurt, Felix becomes fixated on the point in my neck.

I shift, and just like that, the spell is broken. Felix inhales sharply and steps back, scooping his hat off of the ground and placing it back on his head. The transformation is immediate; his hair becomes lighter and he no longer seems unapproachable.

"Look," he says, visibly trying to be more relaxed. "Jisung's just bad news, okay? I'm trying to make sure you stay safe. You being around him is the opposite of staying safe. Trust me." I shake my head slowly.

"Why? Why should I trust you? I literally met you last week, and you act all weird, with things that are completely unexplainable. I have all these questions, and you won't even answer one straightforwardly." Folding my arms across my chest, I clench my jaw. I'm going to get my answers.

Felix huffs, frustrated. "I can't explain it!" He throws his hands up in an uncharacteristic burst of emotion. "I'm not allowed-" he cuts himself off. 

I step closer to him. "Not allowed to do what?" I say softly, furrowing my eyebrows. He sighs and looks over at me.

"I know you don't know me, and you won't trust me. That's fine. But if you don't trust me, then don't trust Jisung either. Treat us the same. You don't like me? Fine. But don't like Jisung either." 

I bite my lip, unsure. I didn't mean to come off as hostile. I don't not like Felix. I don't really have strong feelings for him. It's just, I want to know what's happening to me, and why.

Finally, I nod, agreeing with what Felix says. He exhales heavily and places his hands in his pockets, eyeing me. "Stay safe? I'll see you soon, I promise. Okay, angel?" I nod again and he turns his back on me, walking away.

I watch him until he's out of sight, and I start making my way back to my building. I'm so distracted by my thoughts that I don't notice my surroundings until I'm back in my apartment. I go to sit on my bed when I feel something crinkle when I sit. 

Standing, I find a piece of paper lying on my bed. 

Felix takes the fun out of everything, don't you think? And he's so secretive; he never answers anyone's questions. I'll answer yours, though. I'm sure Felix has warned you away from me, but I promise I don't bite! Unless you ask me to ;)


I reread the paper a few times before looking around. No one's in my room, and the window's closed. I'm pretty sure the door was locked when I came in.

Of course, this only inspired more questions, and I look back down at Jisung's note. I know Felix said to stay away, but Jisung seems so nice. When we met, he seemed like the personification of happiness. He can't be that bad, right?

mind, body, and soul | lee felixWhere stories live. Discover now