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"Alright," Felix says, clapping his hands together. "Let's go!" 

Jisung and I stare at him blankly. Did he mean that we should go flying. Right now? Surely not.

Felix looks at me, then at Jisung, then back at me. He's got a confused expression on his face.

"Hello?" Felix says, waving his hands back and forth. "Did I just go on mute? Let's go!" Jisung stretches his arms above his head and sighs.

"I didn't think you meant right now. This isn't exactly the best time to go flying for fun," Jisung says, becoming serious. "You know that even better than I do."  Felix glances at me before turning to Jisung. 

"I do, but that's even more reason why we should go. If we fly for two hours, we still have fourty six hours left. We'll be fine." Felix's tone gets quieter, and he and Jisung talk for a few minutes at a volume I can't hear.

I intertwine my fingers together worriedly; are they keeping another thing from me? What could they be talking about that they needed to hide it from me?

Closing my eyes briefly, I clear my mind and banish those thoughts from my mind. They will tell me, I'm sure of it. But for right now, let's just go and have fun with Felix and Jisung. I know they won't let anything happen to me.

I clear my throat and fold my arms over my chest, raising my eyebrows. They look over at me, Felix concerned and Jisung confused.

"So, are we going flying, or was that just a joke?" 

Felix laughs and smirks at me, biting his lip and coming closer. My heart beats faster at his intense expression, but I don't let it show. Instead, I just raise my chin and smile at him innocently.

"We're going, angel," Felix says, grabbing my hand. "My baby's so impatient."

I blush, pinching my lips together. I don't know what happened to innocent, polite Felix and why a devilish, flirty, no-good-for-my-heart Felix has appeared, and I can't decide who I like better.

Felix grabs his hat from the table and places it on his head, changing his demeanor. I make a mental note to ask him about that later; I still have so many questions that need to be answered. But for now, I'm going flying, so that can wait.

Felix tugs me out of the apartment, Jisung following closely behind.

"Our spot?" Jisung asks, already halfway down the hallway. Felix locks his door and nods. 

"Yeah, we'll see you there. I want to show Reese something first." Jisung throws a thumbs up over his shoulder as he heads to the elevator. Felix pulls me to the opposite direction, towards the stairs. I struggle; why would we go to the stairs when there is a perfectly good elevator?

"Stop moving," Felix says, looking back at me. "We're going to use the stairs." I make a face and whine.

"Why? I don't want to!" I scrunch my face up and remove my hands from Felix's, stopping walking. "Why do you want to use the stairs so badly?"

Felix sighs and pinches his lips together, walking closer to me.

"You want an explanation, angel?" he asks, raising his eyebrows. I nod, swallowing hard at his expression. "I want to show you something, and to get to it, we have to use the stairs. It benefits you, I promise."

Felix bends down to my ear, smiling softly. "Remember what I said, about refusing for no reason?" His nose brushes my ear as he turns his head. "It's rude, right?" I nod, licking my lips and trying not to breathe too hard. 

Felix smirks and kisses down my jawline, his hands coming up my back to support me. He kisses up my cheeks and rests his nose against mine, not moving an inch. I purse my lips, making it obvious I want him to kiss me there. He leans in a little, his lips ghosting over mine. 

Suddenly, he pulls away, smirking proudly and making his way to the staircase.

"See, angel? It's rude to refuse people what they want." He disappears into the hallway, leaving me to catch my breath and curse him before following. Damn him.

Felix leads me up, instead of down. I'm curious, so I follow him without asking any questions. What's up there that he wants me to see?

Stopping at the very top, he goes to open the door in front of us. Looking back at me, Felix winks.

Opening the door, he leads us out onto the rooftop. I shade my eyes, a little blinded by the brightness of the day. Meanwhile, Felix smiles and lifts his head, letting the sunshine onto his face.

He takes his hat off, letting the wind ruffle his hair. Smiling brightly, he walks over to me and wraps his hands around my waist. 

"You ready, angel?" he whispers, his happiness evident in his tone. Apprehensive, I nod. I'm not sure what he means to show me.

Nodding, he tightens his hold on me and places my hands on his forearms. 

"You might want to hold on tight." That's the only warning I get before we're off the rooftop and into the air. My eyes widen and my stomach drops; are we flying now?

I grab onto Felix, my grip tightening the higher we go. I know I'm probably hurting him, but I can't help it. 

"Angel," Felix says, laughter in his tone. "Open your eyes." With heat spreading across my cheeks, I do. I hadn't even realized they were closed. Once I can see, a gasp escapes me. It's beautiful.

Everything below is so small, insignificant. Slowly, I release my death grip on Felix and stare, smiling as we fly alongside some of the tallest buildings in the city.

"It's beautiful, huh?" Felix says into my ear, smiling when I nod, speechless. "It's one of my favorite things. Jisung always hated it, with his fear of flying, but I love it. It's liberating, knowing that you can go anywhere you want with the will and the intention. There's nothing like it."

I smile, leaning into Felix's warmth. It's obvious how much he loves flying; he's relaxed and smiling, laughing freely when we pass a bird or feel a strong wind. I wonder how carefree he's been recently. Is it because of me, his happiness?

He nods towards an empty parking lot. 

"We're going there," he says, kissing my shoulder. "We'll go flying longer when we meet up with Jisung."

With a powerful swoop of his wings, he lands us onto the parking lot. Felix holds onto me, letting me get my balance back. He brings one of my hands onto his shoulder. 

"Just until you feel more stable," Felix says, sending me a smile before swiveling his head to look for Jisung. His eyebrows furrow and he yells Jisung's name, confused.

Squinting my eyes, I see someone walk towards us. I tap Felix, pointing at the man coming closer. Felix looks and his eyes narrow; his back straightens and he takes a deep breath, steeling himself. The man is standing in front of us, his hands in his pockets.

"Well," the stranger says, smirking. "Look at what Lee brought. A little present. Giving up so soon?"

Felix steps in front of me, grabbing my wrist firmly and not letting go. I have a feeling he's reassuring himself that I'm still here.

"You won't take her from me. Not again. I'll change the deal." I open my mouth to say something when my heart stops at Felix's next words.

"I'll give up my wings."

mind, body, and soul | lee felixWhere stories live. Discover now