1 ~ Bees & Stars

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2nd person Pov:

As you were laying on the grass next to your best friend Tubbo you started thinking about how your friendship began...

(A/N: past/memory)

You were 5 years old and your mother brought you to the park to get rid of some of your energy. As you climbed up the ladder to go down the yellow slide for the millionth time, you noticed a bumble bee flying around. It started flying away so you flew down the swing and started chasing it. While chasing the bee a little boy noticed a different bee and had to follow it. Both of the bees you and the little boy were chasing ended up being from the same bee hive. Both bees flew into their hive, which was right above a little two seater bench. You and the boy sat on the bench at the same time and instantly started chatting. It felt like you knew each other forever when you only just met minutes before. Hours went by as you talked to the boy. As the sun began to set you both skipped back to the park hand - in - hand. Your parents noticed your strong bond and made sure they stayed in contact to insure this blossoming friendship would never come to an end.

And here you are now, 12 years later on the grass in front of that bench that seemed pointless to most pedestrians walking by it, but it held so many memories to you. You sighed, shifting your eyes from the beautifully lit night sky to the person next to you. You watched as he shifted his eyes from star to star, constellation to constellation. "Why is that star moving?!" Tubbo asked pointing up at the night sky. "Tubbs, that's a plane." you giggled. Same old Tubbo, and you wouldn't trade him for the world.

𝐴𝘥𝑜𝘳𝘦 𝘠𝑜𝑢 - 𝘔𝘤𝘺𝑡 𝘖𝑛𝘦𝘴ℎ𝑜𝑡𝘴Where stories live. Discover now