9 ~ Beauty

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Y/n's POV:

She's so ugly...
Her body has stretch marks everywhere,
She has excess skin on her stomach,
Eye bags under her eyes,
She doesn't even know what way to style her hair,
She needs to cover up her body.
I think to myself as I stare back at my reflection in the mirror.

"Hi baby" Sapnap says as he walks up behind me and snuggles his head into my exposed neck and wraps his arms loosely around my waist.

I huff as I quickly cover up my stomach and try to walk away from him to our shared closet so I can wear a hoodie that's two sizes too big and practically drowns me.

"What's the matter?" He says picking up his head and looking at our reflections in the mirror.

"Why would you ever love someone like me?" I question, my voice cracking as I throw my hands up in the air.

"What do you mean?" Sapnap asks concerned as I say, "I mean look at me, I'm disgusting! You could've chosen any other girl, maybe one who actually is pretty and knows how to take care of herself, but you chose me, why?"

"What do you mean look at you? You're literally the most gorgeous person I ever have seen. You have to stop thinking bad about yourself baby, you're perfect just the way you are and I love you!" Sapnap says spinning me around and pulling me into his chest, tightly hugging me.

𝐴𝘥𝑜𝘳𝘦 𝘠𝑜𝑢 - 𝘔𝘤𝘺𝑡 𝘖𝑛𝘦𝘴ℎ𝑜𝑡𝘴Where stories live. Discover now