1 ~ Comfort

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TW: Panic Attack
Y/n's POV:

I get out of my bed for the first time in a couple weeks. Grabbing my phone I see 50 missed calls from Techno, 40 missed calls from Phil, 30 missed calls from Wilbur, and 100 un read texts from Tommy.

I shut off my phone as I walk over to my PC, turning it on and going on discord.

How convenient. Tommy, Techno, Phil, and Wilbur are all in a call.

Before I can shut off my PC and run back to my bed I get countless amount of calls from Tommy.

I join their call "hey guys" I say as I try my best to sound like I haven't been crying for the past week.

"Y/N!" Tommy yells before continuing "how are you? We haven't heard from you in a while" "yeah you kind of disappeared" Wilbur says.

I start crying, and the tears won't stop. Looking around for something to comfort me I can't find anything, and I freak out.

"Y/n, breathe" Phil says through the call.

I try and my throat feels like somethings stuck in it. It gets drier and drier as I choke out a quiet "I can't Phil, I can't"

"Y/n I'm coming right now stay on the call they will help you" Techno says as he frantically leaves the call.

Technos POV:

I run to my front door grabbing my keys and dropping them. "They're not important" I mumble to myself as I frantically run to Y/n's house.

Knowing that they don't lock their door during the day I run into their house and right up to their room.

Swinging the door open I see Y/n curled up in their gaming chair, knees to their chest as they sobs into their arms and Wil, Phil, and Tommy talk to them trying to calm them down.

"I'm here guys" I tell the boys on the call as I run over to Y/n.

"Can I touch you?" I ask as they nod their head.

I pick them up into my arms and sit down in their chair placing them on my lap.

"Listen to my heart beat and try to mimic my breathing alright?" I ask as they lay their head on my chest and try to match my breathing patterns.

"Are they alright techno?" Phil asks concerned as I answer "they'll be alright"

"I'm sorry" Y/n keeps repeating.

"Hey, stop apologizing your perfectly fine ok" I smile down at them as their breathing finally calms down and they are not in a panicked state.

"Do you want to explain what happened or would you rather not?" Wilbur asks as Y/n mumbles "Jared"

"IM GOING TO BEAT THAT BITCH UP" Tommy yells making Y/n laugh as they snuggles into me.

"I love you Techno" they whispers as I kiss the top of their hair.

𝐴𝘥𝑜𝘳𝘦 𝘠𝑜𝑢 - 𝘔𝘤𝘺𝑡 𝘖𝑛𝘦𝘴ℎ𝑜𝑡𝘴Where stories live. Discover now