4 ~ Flinching

642 20 0

Requested: yes by @KidAliMali

Third Person POV:

"Y/n this is all a misunderstanding!" Nolan raises his voice at his girlfriend.

"Nolan I saw you with her" Y/n looks at him standing up from her position on the couch.

"Y/n you have to believe me!" He screams, raising his hands in the air, Y/n flinching at the motion.

"I LOVE YOU I CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOU" Nolan cries, not realizing what happened.

Y/n starts crying, hugging herself and taking deep breaths trying to calm herself down.

"Did- did you just?" Nolan asks, his eyes watering.

The girl breaks out into a heavier sob, hyperventilating.

"No no no baby I would never hurt you" he says, crying himself.

The boy starts panicking, not knowing how to calm the girl in front of him.

Y/n cries and cries until she's about to vomit.

"You're okay you're safe" he says walking up to her and looking into her red eyes, her consenting that he could hug her.

Nolan quickly pulls Y/n into his arms, swaying them back and forth and rubbing her back as Y/n cries into his chest.

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