4 - Cassell College

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The sun seemed brighter than usual. On a morning in early spring, countless birds could be heard chirping in their homes in the trees, soaring through the sky. As one landed on a branch near a glass window, the branches danced, choreographed by the wind. Cherry blossom petals fell to the ground, into the garden below.

The garden outside was filled with blooming pansies. The creatures of nature ran wild within the tall stems of the flowers, a single blue butterfly perched on top of a newly bloomed pansy.

Early into spring, there were many different hues of greens, pinks, and yellows. The unique colored butterfly flew confidently against the soft wind, flying up from the pansy to land on the edge of the window sill, staring into the room behind the glass.

The warmth of the sun shined down onto the wooden floors. The rays of light touching her soft skin as she slept peacefully. The room was silent, it had been for the past three months. Despite the nurse's efforts to keep her nourished and clean, she wouldn't wake up.

Every day, people would come into the room to visit, check up on her—the strange girl who had been found floating across the sea. For three months, they had taken care of her while she laid in her deep slumber.

But today, a miracle happened.

Y/N opened her eyes to the bright sun shining down on her face.

She flinched away from the intensity of the sun's rays, bringing the white sheet over her head. Underneath the covers, she looked down at her attire, clothes she had no recognition of putting on. Her brows knotted together, peeking her head up from the blankets. Y/N sat up, looking at her surroundings with unease.

She had no recognition of anything, as a matter of fact. The furthest memories she could recall were short flashes of snow and a building she assumed was her home. No people came to mind, and the only thing she remembered about herself was her name.

Y/N looked down at her clothes once more, dressed in a simple white gown, a nightgown perhaps. Had she been wearing this all along? Despite knowing that she was awake, her mind was still hazy and she felt more like she was dreaming.

What in the world happened to her? Was there anybody else around?

And as if the world had answered her questions, there was a gentle knock on the door. Though she didn't say anything, Y/N watched as the door opened anyway.

She suddenly bobbed her head to the side in curiosity and wonder. A girl glided into the room without a single step with her feet. She was blue, everything on her was blue, and to add more confusion to Y/N, the girl seemed to be see-through.

She blinked many times, perhaps she really was dreaming.

"I'm glad you're finally awake," she said. Her voice sounded like that of a normal human, but nothing about her seemed like one at all. The girl moved to the side, allowing space for Y/N to stand. "Someone is waiting for you, you can put on those clothes on top of the dresser. I'll be waiting for you outside,"

Y/N obeys immediately, unsure if this ghostly girl was a friend or foe. She pulls the sheets off her body, noticing how weak her arms felt. Slowly, Y/N guided her legs across the bed and dangled them onto the ground, her feet touching the cold surface of the wooden floors.

Doubt had risen through her mind as she suddenly felt like she had forgotten how to walk. As Y/N tried to stand from the bed, the girl watched as Y/N fell to the ground immediately.

"Your movements aren't stable yet," she said, "it's natural, you've been asleep for three months. Here, take this,"

Right in front of her eyes, a glass of water and a single pill appeared out of nowhere. Y/N decided not to question it, as she had met a blue girl who was see-through, there was no doubt she could do magic tricks like this.

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