12 - Across The Starry Sky And Aurora Lights

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Nono tugged at her scarlet locks, drowned in books and eyes glued to her laptop screen. Her fiance glanced at her from time to time, worried about her health. From how she was so obviously gnawing on the inside of her cheeks, to the stress lines between her brows from scrunching them together too often.

"Nono, you've had your face in those books all day, what on earth are you doing?" Caesar asked, standing from the couch as he strolled over to his soon-to-be-wife.

They were alone in the main room of Amber Hall, Caesar had been enjoying himself watching entertainment on the giant television, while Nono kept busy with her books and screen. Despite Y/N winning the annual Day of Liberty event and gaining the right to use Amber Hall to her liking, she never claimed the reward, letting the Student Union remain housed in it.

"You ever heard about the operation 'Death to the Swans'? I can't seem to find anything on it," she exclaimed frustratingly.

Caesar nodded his head to the side, peering over at Nono's notes and research. She had piqued his interest, "Never heard anything about it. Sounds ominous," he answered.

"I overheard Y/N talking about it, saying it might have something to do with her past," Nono began, "but, I don't know, Caesar. Something about this just feels wrong,"

Caesar's heart tugged seeing his fiancee struggle. "Well, you're intuition is usually always spot on, if you feel like something's up, I would trust you,"

Nono sighed, "The only thing I found, which might not even be related to what I'm looking for, is this place in Siberia,"

"Siberia?" Caesar questioned, "She's a long way from home if Y/N's from Russia,"

Nono shook her head, brows scrunching in frustration. "That's the thing. Look," Nono clicked around on her laptop, pulling up a screen and moving aside to let room for Caesar to take a look. "There's this place called Black Swan Bay, but there's no pictures, only writing, and all in Russian. I was able to translate it, but all I found out was that the place was a myth. Never existed, just a story parents would tell their kids if they were naughty,"

"And what's that story?" Caesar asked, scanning through the translated Russian.

"Children lived happily in the orphanage of Black Swan Bay, but one day when the children suddenly disobeyed the orphanage head, he grew extremely disappointed and angry. He bombed the orphanage and buried the children under the snow, leaving them to die," Nono explained, which had shivers sent down Caesar's spine. "The translation says parents would tell this story to their kids for them to never disobey their elders,"

"And this has something to do with that Death to the Swans thing you were talking about?" Caesar asked.

Nono shrugged, "I only found this after hours of searching through all of EVA's databases. And there's absolutely nothing else relating to Black Swan Bay or that operation. But I really feel like the two are connected," she said, "Black Swan Bay is supposed to be a myth, a story, but I just don't think that's the case. Why is there only one source about it?"

Caesar sat down in the chair next to Nono, his eyes now glued to the screen and glancing over at all of her books. His eyes caught detail of a small note at the bottom of the screen, "The date says the translation was recorded 20 years ago,"

Nono brought her attention to the same note, "So, is Y/N remembering something from 20 years ago? That doesn't make sense,"

"Maybe it has something to do with her past?" Caesar suggested, "But from 20 years ago? She's only 18,"

She crossed her arms frustratingly across her chest, frowning. "This isn't adding up," she mumbled to herself. "Even when I search for that harbor where Black Swan Bay resided, there's no evidence it ever existed. No debris, no building remains, after 20 years there should still be some of it left behind,"

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