50 - The World Has Turned Its Back On Me

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This chapter contains mature/explicit content. Descriptions of blood and violence. Please read at your own discretion.


She pounded her fists into the ground and clawed at the bloodied sand until it was thick beneath her nails. She threw her head into the ground until she tasted more blood, until her head throbbed in grueling pain, until the grains of sand from the ground stuck to her tear-stained cheeks.

She tried to feel something.

Anything at all.

Scratching at her arms until blood slipped out the cuts from her nails, pulling at her scalp to feel anything but the heartache.

Any pain at all would suffice. Even rage, anger, devastation. All would be better than to know the feeling of this loss.

Y/N tore and screamed at everything around her until her palms were bloody and her voice was hoarse and nothing remained but broken pieces of debris that were not nearly as broken as her heart.

They told her that life would move on as it always did.

Except she would not. Y/N refused to move on from this. How they died and turned to dust in her arms. How they sacrificed themselves for her stubborn, selfish sake.

How could she move on when they had left her behind?

Her screams echoed across the shore and they reached the gray sky like a storm. Not even the crashing of the waves brushing over the sand could drown out her devasting cries. Her voice cracked like the crack of thunder threatening to boom.

The Ace Team behind her could only stare at her devasted form with unease. How would they go about saving her from this kind of pain?

Johann stepped forward first. Though hesitant, nothing would be done unless someone took the first step.

But he thought it cruel. Or perhaps it was well-deserved. That this would be his punishment for the lies he laid out before her. To witness and to fall into the depths of despair. He thought, perhaps this was fate's way of punishing him for being dishonest.

Served with a sight just as cruel as his actions, Johann believed it was cruel to have to watch Y/N crumble further and further into herself. As her eyes dulled and her cries softened to pitiful hiccups.

His feet slid across the sand, paying no mind to the deep sanguine that coated the shore. His steps matched the pace of Y/N's breaths, he wondered if she was calming down, or if this was simply moments before the storm would kick in.

"Y/N," he called out, tenderly, softly, knowing that any wrong motion could determine the outcome of this situation. She had just lost people precious to her. "Y/N, let me help you,"

Johann eyed her wounds, where her torn garments exposed her bare, cut, and bruised skin. How her slumped shoulders shivered with each breath. Surely, she was in immeasurable pain. If he could—in any way ease that pain, he wanted to try.

But Y/N, filled with grief and a terrible feeling festering in the pit of her stomach, only wished that she had been done away with. That if she were dead, she would no longer feel this aching in her chest.

Nor would she have felt the unbridled fury when she heard Johann's voice.

"What do you want?!"

She spat like venom towards him and her eyes turned to glare at him. Golden like a fire burning through his own eyes of gold. He watched her expression turn from mournful to furious in an instant.

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