29 - Little Miracle

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This chapter contains mature/explicit content. Descriptions of blood and death. Please read at your own discretion.


December 1976.

"She's beautiful,"

These were the first words Y/N had ever heard within the first seconds of her life. Most would say that it's impossible for an infant child to remember such words and instances. But in her case, Y/N was no ordinary baby. And her parents were also far from ordinary.

From her little ears, Y/N could hear two voices gushing about their love for her. How they saw beauty in her eyes, how her hands would clasp around their fingers, and the way her chest rose with each baby breath she took.

Born in the crisp wonderland of winter, her mother held her tightly against her chest. Her father sat across from them, his calloused fingers gently scraping against his daughter's cheek. She flinched but smiled as she felt his touch linger on her skin before he pulled away.

"As beautiful as the snow that falls from the sky," her father replied tenderly.

Y/N's mother brought her index finger towards her, where Y/N then clasped it tightly in her little palms.

"It's a shame we have to leave so soon," her mother cooed, but a hint of guilt lingered in the back of her throat.

Her father sighed, "We have to do this," he grumbled defeatedly, "this is the only way we can protect her. As long as the dragons exist, she'll never be safe,"

Y/N's parents exchanged sorrowful gazes, her mother exhaled with devastation. She cradled her daughter in her arms until the sun had set that night with an iron grip, yet gentle enough not to harm her. For when the night came, Y/N's parents would be gone.

The nanny waited patiently in the living room while Y/N's parents whispered their goodbyes and placed tender kisses on their child's cheeks. With heavy hearts, they nodded at the nanny with concerned gazes. Though she was a close family friend, they couldn't help but worry about their daughter.

"When should we expect you back?" the nanny asked.

Y/N's parents exchanged uncertain glances before her father spoke with a heavy tone. "This mission is top secret, not even you can know the details. Strict orders that came directly from the principal himself,"

But the nanny sighed as she shook her head and folded her arms across her chest. "But this mission was originally assigned to two senior classmen, why are you guys handling it? Your daughter will miss you dearly,"

This time, Y/N's mother answered, her expression dull and expressionless. Perhaps to hide the outstanding pain she felt stabbing through her heart. "We have to do this. We have to personally see this through. If we can confirm with our own eyes the deaths of the Dark and Light King, we can return home knowing our daughter will be free from the stories of fate,"

"But that's all they are, right?" the nanny continued, "stories we tell our children, stories that are used to motivate dragon slayers, right?"

Y/N's parents sighed, her father turned his back and made his way to the front door. Her mother remained in place, eyes zoned in on the ground and fingers clenched into tight fists.

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