19 - What It Means To Be A Man

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For the remainder of this arc, chapters will be resuming to a regular update schedule! I finally got everything together!

Once again, expect updates every Wednesday

Thank you, hope you enjoy the chapter!


The Gattuso family requests that the submersible mission be suspended immediately.

- Frost Gattuso

Professor Manstein had thrown the file down on the desk in front of Professor Schneider. "The Gattusos can't afford to lose Caesar," Manstein explained to the other professor, who simply scowled down at the document and then ignored it, scooting it away from the center of his desk.

"I don't need the Disciplinary Committee to look over and manage these operations," Schneider scoffed in return.

"That submersible has the Gattuso family heir inside of it. If it weren't for his frequent heart attacks, Frost Gattuso would be here in the flesh to shut down this operation," Manstein said, crossing his arms over his chest defensively.

"Why are you so anxious? What, you the errand dog for the Gattuso's now?" Schneider smirked, but Manstein stood his ground.

"You and the principal approved this mission without consulting the rest of the school board," Manstein explained, though Schneider already knew this fact. "You know I can put a stop to this by letting Frost in here, or I can help you.

"But you have to convince me you're in the right,"

Schneider scoffed at the man, turning his head to the data displayed on his screen concerning the submersible.

"Do you remember the Greenland Mission 11 years ago?" he suddenly asked.

Manstein frowned, his mood turning glum, "How could I forget?" he said, "The whole team was wiped out. You and that student, Finger Von Frings, were the only survivors,"

"The Gattuso family started that Mission 11 years ago, gave no damn about our well-being or our lives. This is the same mission, to investigate a ready-to-hatch dragon embryo. Only this time, their precious heir will be diving in that submersible," Schneider said with nothing but malice in his tone.

Manstein couldn't help but frown as well. He knew this mission was the same, he had read the file, but to send those students down that trench to their possible deaths? Even that was too much for him. He didn't want to lose any more lives to the dragons.

"Those four have no idea that the embryo is about to hatch, do they?" Manstein asked though he had a feeling he already knew the answer.

Schneider scoffed, "This is a battle between humans and dragons. There are only two outcomes. Survive, and complete the mission, or die,"

"You're asking them to die?!" Manstein raged, the lives of his students, no matter how rowdy, were not worth mission results.

But when Manstein was met with silence, all he could do was wallow in his thoughts. He couldn't stop this mission, even for his students.

The fate of the world was at risk, after all.

"You know, you and the principal are becoming more like dragons as the days pass," Manstein said.

"Power-hungry, ruthless, and forever alone,"

And it was then, that Professor Manstein saw Professor Schneider for the monster he was slowly becoming. He, and Principal Anjou both, would risk the lives of their students for the greater good. For the downfall of the dragons.

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