53 - Close, But Not Close Enough

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She didn't need to look to know the extent of their restlessness.

Nono paced the black tiled floor, mind racing to conjure up and piece together all the information they've found—save space for information they've yet to obtain.

Finger typed relentlessly on the keyboard while his eyes scanned through countless web browsers and pages of words and foreign languages. Luminous was seated beside him, doing his own share of research.

"Wait, wait," Finger said with haste, "I think I got something good,"

Nono halted her pacing and immediately bent over his seat and leaned in close to the screen. "What is it?" she pressed.

Finger pointed at a single line of foreign text and watched the monitor of his activity chart rise. Luminous paused his search and rolled his seat closer to Finger's. "There's unusual activity in here, in the Arctic," Finger began, "This type of activity has the same frequency found near deadpool infestations or groups of extremely high-ranking death servitors,"

"That could be what we're looking for," Nono raised a brow and narrowed her eyes at the small dot on the chart.

She glanced at Luminous' screen to see a black and white faded picture of a man with a sharp jaw and piercing eyes—one of which was covered by a monocle. At the bottom of the picture, it had been captioned with a single name.

Jung Von Herzog.

Her lips twitched at his photo that left a bitter taste in her mouth.

As Finger and Luminous rattled on about their findings of Herzog and the unusual dragon activity in the Arctic, Nono began piecing together what information they'd gotten so far.

In an attempt to find Y/N who had left without saying a word—which left the principal in a fit of silent fury—Nono found herself racked with more information about Herzog than on Y/N.

"It's like she completely wiped herself off the map," Luminous had said once.

But despite reading up on such a foul man, Nono was the first to come to the conclusion that their search was not for Y/N, but for Herzog instead. That in finding the man that started this entire fiasco, they'd find Y/N not too far behind. After, she was in pursuit of him still, only, they had no idea where to begin.

"The Far North," Nono mumbled to herself while the two boys in front of her messed with the monitor and keyboard. "Just what is this organization?"

Finger huffed after clicking back to a different page, "From what I could gather from EVA, it's a secret hybrid organization led by a holy saint," he clicked on a photo of a woman, whose beauty could be compared to Aphrodite. "Unfortunately, more information about this organization seems to be blocked off. I wonder if the principal even knows what this group is,"

"No other way to find out, we'll just have to ask," Nono crossed her slender arms across her chest and bit the inside of her cheek.

She remembered the look on Johann's face when Caesar had told him to finally stop searching for Y/N—that they'd take a different approach, use a different tactic to find her. But Nono could read her fiancé like an open book. Caesar was trying to protect Y/N's wish to not be found.

Still, she was pleasantly surprised when Johann gave in and turned his time to find information about Herzog.

"We find Herzog, then we're closer to finding Y/N," Caesar told him, "What help would we be if we didn't have anything that would put him in a tight spot?"

The truth always seemed less desirable in the face of what a false reality could muster up. But Johann must've known that the only way to really help Y/N fulfill what she had set out to do, was find a way to trap the man she was hunting.

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