59 - I Am The Holy, I Am The Honored One

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This chapter contains mature/explicit content. Descriptions of unwanted sexual behavior/predator behavior, flagellation, self-flagellation, and blood. Please read at your own discretion.


Reginleif suddenly felt shy—anxious under his gaze. How Johann was seemingly unfazed, completely unwavering in his gaze as he stared at her with indifference. She shrugged her shoulders, lifting her dress straps back up. But any sort of movement made her feel too vulnerable under his eyes, so she opted to continue laying her stomach down on his bed.

"What are you doing?" Johann asked, as if it were the only words in his vocabulary. He'd asked that question so many times in her presence she was beginning to think she was the problem. No, she was simply doing what she was told.

Reginleif huffed as her chest pressed against the sheets. "Would you believe me if I said it was because I was bored?"

She wanted to curse when Johann simply shook his head, unconcerned about her excuses. After watching the video of Shavee dancing in a long bohemian skirt, a realization clicked in his head that Reginleif had indeed acted extremely similar to her. Reginleif's mannerisms and even the way she spoke were taken as inspiration from Shavee. He just wanted to know why.

"If you were truly trying to seduce me you wouldn't have given me this," Johann stated with a weary look as he briefly glanced at the flash drive, still plugged into the side of his laptop. She shifted under his gaze anxiously.

But instead of coming clean, Reginleif continued to be difficult. "Hmph, you're an attractive man who doesn't talk about love or show any interest in women. What's wrong with you?"

Indeed, perhaps there was something wrong with him—in the sense that he only seemed to attract women who were more dragon than they were human. Women of prophecies or holy maidens. It was like a bad omen on his part, and perhaps that was why he refrained from speaking about his personal relationships. Johann was also simply not the type to express interest in people.

Watching Johann rack his mind for an excuse, Reginleif sighed loudly and finally sat up on the bed. "Am I really that bad in your eyes?" she began, as if pleading with him for an answer this time. "All the boys on the ship like me—but you don't even bother to look at me. Am I unworthy of you?"

Johann shook his head, "It doesn't matter. I'm only here for business,"

Reginleif huffed again, crossing her long arms over her chest. As much as she tried to get his attention, it was no use. She just couldn't get through his thick head. She wouldn't ever consider herself stubborn, or docile, but Reginleif was still someone who became adamant about things that interested her. Johann Chu interested her—yet his lack of interest and complete distance towards her made her all the more intrigued.

She stood from his bed but couldn't bring herself to face him. "I'm just teasing you," she mumbled, hoping Johann couldn't hear.

But his ears were sharper than he let on, despite ignoring her many complicated statements and questions.

Reginleif began pacing around the room, her heels clicking against the floor as she gazed down in defeat. Her voice was tender and soft and it almost made Johann wonder what had happened to her previous persona. "Vincent gave me those files," she admitted, finally.

Johann continued to watch her, but she still, hadn't met his gaze.

"I don't know who she is—I don't really care either," Reginleif said with a low tone, "But he told me that in order to get closer to you, I need to be like her,"

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