39 - Brothers - Part 2

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The alarming sound of sirens echoed through the building, so loud the ground shook along with the chaos outside. Not just in Takamagahara, but the ear-splitting sirens even rang throughout the entire city of Tokyo.

"It's a Tsunami warning! Not an earthquake!"

Luminous held his head with a panicked motion, keeping close to both Y/N and Chime in fear of losing them amidst the falling debris.

It was too late to warn anyone in the city about the disaster. Danger and tragedy could strike in a single heartbeat.

Chime was trembling beneath Y/N's hold. With his arm wrapped around her shoulder, they navigated around debris that scattered the entire hall. The smell of smoke filled their nostrils and for a moment, it seemed this interruption would prove to be detrimental to their plan.

The sound of the ocean roared outside. It should've been impossible, but then again, this was all coming from the power of one man who refused to let a pair of brothers reconcile. A cruel monster that planned an age of destruction for the sake of becoming a king.

Even with all the mayhem transpiring, they could hear the people outside in the streets stomping, the ground shook with every step as they must've been in pursuit of shelter and safety.

Upon reaching the door to the main lobby, with the flickering pink and purple lights doing nothing to light their way, Luminous jiggled the handle. Only to realize it was locked shut.

He looked back at Y/N and Chime with despair.

But voices could be heard frantically shouting on the other side of the door.

Luminous began banging on the door for help, but Y/N quickly stopped him. "Wait!" she held his fist back from slamming against the door again. "Listen,"

On the other side, they could hear both Nanami Sakura and Kotaro Fuma giving orders to their Hydra soldiers. But their voices were mixed with the sounds of clanking metal and gunfire, and the screeching of death servitors.

"The Kingsblade must've released deadpool for more distractions," Chime said in defeat.

Nanami Sakurai's voice echoed loudly across the lobby, so loud the three of them could hear her between the wreckage and the locked door. She shouted with dismay as if these orders were absolute top priority.

"Head to the penthouse balcony with the chopper!" She exclaimed frantically, "The High Patriarch is in the penthouse! Evacuate the High Patriarch!"

The sound of rushed footsteps suddenly fled the scene before she shouted again, "I repeat, evacuate High Patriarch first!"

Y/N swiftly glanced to her side at Chime, "We have to hurry!"

They no longer heard the voices of Hydra or the death servitors, hoping that Hydra was able to wipe out the ones on the floor. It dawned on them that they had yet to hear from their friends either.

"Luminous, go and find the others," Y/N ushered as she began kicking the locked door after setting Chime aside to lean against the wall. "We need their help too,"

"But I can't leave you two here! What if something happens to you guys, or me!?"

"You have to go! I'm going to get Chime to Chisei, I need you to find our friends so they can help us get out of here once we're done!" Y/N, with the force of adrenaline and panic, had finally kicked the doorknob straight off which allowed the door to slowly swing open.

But unfortunately for Luminous, Y/N was already pulling Chime back onto her shoulders and through the door, not giving him a chance to hesitate any longer.

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