24 - For I Am The Devil Slayer

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"If you're still recovering, I can go by myself," Luminous suggested, "but I'm not sure I'll be successful," he mumbled right after.

But Y/N shook her head, "I'm fine, promise,"

Luminous tilted his head at her, obviously not believing what had just come out of her mouth.

But they left the conversation at that, riding the elevator down to the first-floor main lobby. They nodded their heads at the front desk lady, hoping that they weren't being too suspicious as they looked around the building for any signs of spy equipment set up by Hydra.

"It doesn't look like they've made it here," Y/N said.

"Does this mean we have to find a way to sneak in there now?"

Luminous pointed his index finger at the grand building across the street. Genji Heavy Industries was owned and highly protected by Hydra and Hydra guards.

"How the hell do we get inside?!" Luminous whispered at Y/N as they hid behind some bushes off to the side of the building, observing the multiple and heavily armed bodyguards right at the front doors. "Those dudes could totally trample us with their huge feet!"

Though it didn't take much looking around, Y/N easily spotted a free passage to a side door to the building, fortunately, unguarded by the big, meaty guards. She nudged Luminous' shoulder, gesturing her head towards the door.

In a swift, quiet movement, the two of them snuck to the side door, hunched over and kept well within the shadows.

The door was unlocked upon reaching it, and although Luminous was the one who twisted the knob and opened the door with a soft creak, he nervously glanced at Y/N. "You go first," he insisted, holding the door slightly ajar, enough that they'd both be able to fit in without letting too much light shine out.

Luckily, the halls were short of any Hydra members or guards. Nothing but potted plants and shiny, tiled flooring as they peered around each corner.

Their footsteps were light against the tile, and even with the bright lights shining down on their sneaking forms, they were able to stick to what little shadow was provided.

They poked their head around corners, stealthily climbed up some stairs, and even snuck glances into rooms with the doors slightly ajar. But to no avail, it seemed the building was either vacant, or Hydra was holding a meeting.

It was the latter.

Hitting the jackpot with their luck once more, after turning around the hundredth corner, they came across a large meeting room with a grand stand, where Luminous and Y/N saw the Hydra chiefs huddled together.

They opted to hide behind two potted plants just outside the door, shielding them from an unknowing passerby or the clan chiefs inside the room.

They leaned in, pressing their ears to the thin walls, Luminous made a cupping notion with his palm and pressed it against his ear.

"Here are the photos that were taken on the Trieste," they heard Chief Miyamoto explain. The photos the Ace Team had taken.

"This vile creature that erupted from the trench was created by the effects of the embryo. There's no need to worry about this monster, it remains dormant. But upon my studies, the blood of that embryo can be used for evolution,"

As Miyamoto was describing his findings of the photos the Ace Team had taken, Y/N took the risk to peer into the room through the cracked open door. She was met with a photo of the menacing creature completely engulfed in the dragon's embryo.

Miyamoto continued, "Not only for evolution, but we found that using the blood from this embryo can have aspects of revival,"

"Revival?" they heard one of the other clan chiefs, Nanami Sakura, question.

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