55 - Maria Of The Stars

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The girl shoved Johann off of her and covered her mouth with a scowl on her face.

"Don't get too close to me, you spit in my mouth,"

He stood immediately after the accusation and was bewildered that she seemed more angry about that than him nearly driving a dagger through her throat.

She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and glared at him angrily. "I should be asking you who you are," she said in a threatening tone. Her voice was high and sultry, but her tone was extremely agitated and he could tell she'd only continue to scowl at him.

But Johann took this moment to scan her physique and get as much information as he could. From the length of her long, pale-blonde hair to the exact measurement of her height, he would be sure to input her data and send it to EVA for screening.

The girl grabbed a black robe hanging on the back of the sofa and hung it around her body, hiding herself from Johann's gaze.

She scoffed, "You're not staring at me with affection. It feels like I'm a corpse and you're just analyzing my data,"

"That's exactly what I'm doing," Johann said quickly to ease her mind from any other false accusations.

The girl grunted and huffed in annoyance. She slumped down on the couch with her arms folded across her chest, pouting.

"According to my data, there should be a woman here who's over 100 years old," he said, straight to the point. The girl glanced at him with disinterest and then withdrew her gaze.

"You're looking for my great-grandmother," she answered. To his surprise, the girl gestured her palm over to the armchair in front of the sofa, implying that he take the seat in front of her. He obliged and left the dagger on the table beside him before taking a seat.

"She passed away and I took her name," the girl continued, "Maria of the Stars, that's who you're looking for, right?"

Johann gave her a stunned look but she didn't seem so fazed.

"Don't look so surprised," she said lazily, "that's who everyone on this ship is looking for, the great Holy Maiden,"

Johann kept his eyes on her, to which the girl found slightly irritating. "You took her name?"

The girl nodded, "It's not a name, more of a title," she answered. The girl glanced at Johann and awkwardly looked away, Johann took notice of this action. "Reginleif," she said suddenly, "that is my own name, if you care to call me that,"

When Johann simply nodded at her introduction, she scowled at him again and quickly changed the subject. "Why are you here?"

And again, straight to the point, Johann did not waste time to beat around the bush.

"I want to learn about the Far North, this organization," he answered firmly. Johann then reached into his pocket, watching as Reginleif watched his movements for any sign of danger. Instead, he pulled out a photo and handed it to her.

"And I want to know about this man," Reginleif took the photo and looked at it with furrowed brows and a frown turning on her thin pink lips. "His name is Herzog,"

Briefly, her eyes fluttered up to Johann and then back down at the black-and-white photo of the man. She suddenly sat up straight and Johann could see a look of surprise in her silver eyes.

She hummed and scoffed at the same time, "What, is this pervert not dead yet?"

Johann sent her a stunned look, though she couldn't tell. His face remained the same in her eyes. "So you know this person?"

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