31 - You Were Brave Enough To Love Me

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This chapter contains mature/explicit content. Descriptions of nudity, violence, blood, and death. Please read at your own discretion.


Arc 3 Prologue. The Dragon Girl. Part 2.


The apple skin fell into the dish with a plop. Shedding its skin, leaving the fruit bare. The room was taken by a sweet scent of tart and honey.

With a small kitchen knife, Anjou had successfully peeled the last apple in the batch he had brought to Johann as a gift. He cut them into slices and organized them aesthetically on a platter—they glistened beneath the sun.

Anjou trailed his vibrant blue eyes to the contact lens case at the edge of the bedside table. A lie upheld by one of his best students. A skill hidden from his knowledge that threatened both his authority and Johann's status as a dragon slayer. If he was as disappointed as he was impressed, Johann would be living an ordinary human life now. They'd throw him out of this hospital and have him settle down elsewhere.

But Anjou knew Johann was more clever than that.

While rustling in his bed sheets, Anjou was finally finished with the apple slices. Johann sat up, eyes groggy and strands of his raven-black hair sticking straight up.

Anjou couldn't help but sneer. This was Cassell College's most promising student.

"Principal?" Johann managed, his throat was raspy and shallow, sounding almost parched. He reached over for the glass of water on the table.

Anjou let him down a few gulps, his signature smirk never leaving his face. The slight wrinkles around his mouth were proof of that.

Then, he got right to the point. "How long have you been using Blood Rage?"

Johann's curious gaze fell dim and he dragged his eyes to the wrinkles on his sheets. He remained silent. As if hoping the Principal would be content with no answer and then leave him alone.

But his life was never so easy.

"Don't play dumb now," Anjou said, as if aware that this was a topic Johann wanted to take no part in. Nonetheless, he knew it was coming, they both did. "Who do you think I am? I've seen many colleagues attempt to use that technique and go mad. I saw the signs of "draconization" on the roller coaster before I lost consciousness. You maintained a steady level of control over it, and normal hybrids can't do that,"

Still, Johann did not budge.

"I'll ask again," the Principal warned, "How long?"

He could hear Johann's breath quiver slightly. He finally separated his dry lips in an attempt to speak. "Two years," he answered.

Anjou narrowed his eyes and drew his lips into a thin line. "This technique was hidden in Lionheart's original files," he said, "amazing that you could teach yourself this technique with what little clues were given to you,"

Johann stayed silent. Gold eyes glued to his clenched fists and the bone of his jaw aching from the tension. He was awaiting the results of his trial. After today, would he still be known as one of the most dangerous hybrids? Or just a normal, upstanding citizen?

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