28 - On The Altar

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Luminous had been absent from his shifts at Takamagahara as of late, under the guise of feeling too ill to perform his regular duties. Whale seemed gullible enough to fall for it, but his friends knew the real reason behind his frequent disappearances.

Erii Uesugi was a caged princess, held captive by her own people. She had never known life outside of confinement and heavily guarded meetings with the other clan chiefs, so it was no doubt she wanted to see what adventures awaited her arrival.

Y/N was grateful that Erii had begun opening up to her as well. While Erii stayed glued to Luminous' side, in the times Y/N had to spare, she spent it conversing with Erii and getting to know the quiet girl.

Of course, Y/N did most of the talking while Erii paid no mind to use up her notebook pages. Another errand she sent Luminous on was to buy her another notebook. Of course, he obeyed her request like a pitiful servant.

When Y/N assumed that Erii was always just soft-hearted and sweet, she had come to find out that Erii actually had a bit of a sassy streak in her. Y/N grew more and more fond of the girl the more time they spent together.

"If you two are so close why can't you go and buy her milk at two in the morning?" Luminous had questioned once.

"Because she only trusts you to do that," Y/N answered nonchalantly.

"Liar! You two are in cahoots! What did you promise her in exchange for only asking me to run her errands?"

While Luminous was not wrong, he had gotten the wrong idea of Y/N giving Erii anything in exchange for Luminous' labor. She only promised Erii that her time with 'Sakura' wouldn't be interrupted and that if she asked, he would do whatever she wanted and take her wherever she wished to go.

Apparently, the Uesugi princess wanted to go to a theme park today.

Y/N had just completed her shift for the night. She messily folded her apron and tossed it behind the bar counter. She gestured to both Basara King and Ukyou that her night was over, while they unfortunately still had plenty of work and clients ahead of them.

As she went through the back rooms and made her way to her temporary bedroom, she was stopped in her tracks by a bizarre sight in front of Erii's room.

Luminous was bedazzled with theme park accessories with a t-shirt to match. His arms were stuffed with animal plushies and the strings to balloons were tied sloppily on his wrists. He looked like a complete wreck, to say the least.

Erii remained unbothered as she walked ahead of him into her room, while the brunette behind her struggled to make any steps with all his theme park gear.

Y/N chuckled, "Need any help?" Of course, she would always find herself entertained with Luminous' dilemmas, but she would never be so cruel as to let him go through them alone. Most of the time, at least.

"Please!" he shot his head back in Y/N's direction, his eyes begging for help.

She grabbed a load of the stuffed toys and dawned a few headbands herself to ease the crease forming on his ruffled brown hair. They followed Erii into her room and set everything down neatly in a pile in a spot of her choosing, right beside her TV.

"Did you have fun today?" Y/N turned to ask Erii, who was quick to smile and pull out her notebook and pen.

'Lots. Sakura was very funny today.'

Y/N laughed, knowing that Luminous must've been all over the place trying to watch over her. "Anything else planned for the night? Or are you two resting up?"

Erii's smile widened as she jotted down more words in her notebook, raising it close to Y/N's face when she was finished.

'I want to go to a cafe.'

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