For The Sake Of Allah

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Leilah's POV

"Leilah?" I stopped my pace and looked up to see the silhouette of a man at the top of the stairs. The lights from the masjid were coming from behind him, forcing me to scrutinize my eyes to identify that person.

"Um, d-do I know you?" I asked, awkwardly. The man hesitated but then tried to walk the other way before I quickly called him. "Wait! How do you know my name?" I demanded while climbing a few steps to get closer.

He was still standing at the same spot while looking the other way when I came closer. As soon as I was only a few feet away from him, he moved and dashed right past me. It was so fast that I couldn't even take a glance at his face. He was only inches away from me when he passed by that I could smell his scent and feel the wind that's behind him. The moment the wind touched my face, my heart inexplicably started to beat faster than ever. The scent lingered around me and my whole body froze. It took a few seconds for me to be able to move and look at the guy who was already walking far behind. I wanted to call him out but I suddenly lost my voice. Because the truth was, that scent was awfully familiar to me.

"Jungkook? He... he was at the mosque?" I turned around to look at the mosque's towering entrance, then back at where he left. "At this hour?" I was so confused and baffled after the short incident that happened. Or was I still dreaming? That just seemed too illogical. I took a deep breath and silently repeated Istighfar a few times. Maybe it was just Shaytaan's mischief, that's logical enough and also spine-chilling enough to make me almost regret the decision to come here tonight. Thank God I dragged Fateh with me or I would've sprinted back home.

Just as I thought of him, Fateh appeared from the male's ablution area looking drowsy and slightly irritated. "You have no. Idea. How. Sleepy. I am. Even the freezing cold water doesn't freshen me, I think I'm immune to it by now," he said, wiping his wet face with his hands.

"Come on, it's my last night here. I wanna experience doing qiyam in Seoul's mosque."

He sighed. "This is what happens when you have a hafeeza sister," he mumbled to himself like a narrator.

"Excuse me?!"

"I'm just joking..." he said tiredly then traipsed into the masjid.

"What a drama queen." I shook my head before walking straight into the women's area. It was completely dark in there as there was no one before, so I switched on the lights and the heater. Meanwhile, the men's area wasn't so dark. A few lights were already turned on even before Fateh came in and the heater was already functioning, so there must be someone there before which means... That guy was a real person.

My heart suddenly raced at the thought of how similar his smell was to Jungkook. Was it really him? If it was, then why was he avoiding me?

I truly didn't know what to do after what had happened between us and what Fateh said about Jungkook's feelings towards me. No matter how convincing it was to say that he loved me too, my brain just refused to accept the logic in it. That was one of the reasons why I wanted to do qiyam here tonight. To ask Allah once again, what should I do?

Already having ablution from home, I took off my niqab and started performing tahajjud. After that, I continued with salat tawbah, and Istikharah, thus ending the night prayers with 3 rakaats of Witr.

"Oh Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious, please forgive all my sins, my parents' sins, my family, my teachers, my friends, and Muslims all over the world. Oh Allah, protect my parents, forgive them, give all Your bounties to them, grant them the best of health, and reward them the highest place in paradise for all the sacrifices they have done to raise me and my siblings. Oh Allah, the Almighty, the Most Powerful, please protect the Muslims all over the world, those who are in war, those who are oppressed, save them all and bring the enemies of Islam to justice." I closed my eyes and opened them slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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