A Long Day

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Jungkook's POV

I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye. She walked away from me just like that and right now I felt... So weird. I walked with heavy steps to the bench where we sat earlier. I thought about how we stared at each other again for the last time while sitting here before this. My mouth suddenly curved to a smile. That was the sweetest feeling I've ever experienced for a long time. It's weird how we always got stuck locking eyes at each other at the unexpected moments. It's like there was this indescribable attraction between us. Gosh, what am I saying? Those are really cheezy words.

Speaking of attraction, I suddenly remembered the incident happened earlier at the second floor, when we were looking for the Holy Book. Man, I really regretted doing that. I was only worried about her at first, but I didn't expect that kind of feeling would come to me at the moment. Her eyes looked even prettier at a close distance. And the stupidest part was that it made me wanted so bad to see her face. I almost couldn't control myself from pulling that piece of cloth covering her face. Damn, I was so stupid. I felt totally embarrassed and guilty about that. That's why I seriously wanted to find her missing book.

I looked at the Holy Book in my hand, examining the amazing art of the cover again. She said it's called Quran. Why did she give this to me and ask me to read it? I admit that I was really impressed and attracted to the book the first time I saw it but I didn't expect that she was about to give it to me. Honestly, why did she do it? She's really like a mystery. Everything she did was a mystery. From the beginning till the end, I questioned every single thing about her. I wonder if I'd get the answer from this book. Or is that even logic?

I flipped open the Quran to see its first page. There were some paragraphs in English. Probably an introduction? But the page number on the bottom of it wasn't number one. I turned to the last page and realized that it was actually the first. So it starts from the right. Pretty interesting.

I noticed a handwritten line on top of the first page while the others were printed. It was in Arabic but I wonder if it was her name. Gosh I really need to know. I'd have to ask Rap Mon hyung for help.

I flipped through the other pages and read a few notes attached to the page. They must be her handwritings. So cute and tidy. My eyes caught one interesting phrase.

"And do not kill yourselves; surely Allah is Merciful to you"

I don't know why, but it touches my heart. Is it really true? If this is what Muslim people believe, I bet their lives would be easier and less painful. Because they believe that their God loves them. Feeling someone always loving you is great. Even when I was getting through hard times, knowing that there are so many people who love me makes me strong. I have my family, friends and the ARMYs.

I then read some more. "If you avoid the major sins which you are forbidden, We will remove from you your lesser sins and admit you to a noble entrance [into Paradise]."

Wow, paradise? This is interesting.

I decided to close the Quran and go back to the members. I need Rap Mon hyung's help to understand all these high stage English words.

She told me to read this and I will not let her down. Because I like her. I really do. The moments that we spent together and how I felt all the time had explained everything. She was so nice. The way she talks, laughs, touches her veil when she was embarrassed, and how her eyes got smaller a bit when she was smiling, all are perfect to me. She's different and that is what I like the most about her. And the other proof is that I couldn't get my eyes off her. Like, all the freaking time. Gosh, I look like a freak. I didn't want to let her go, actually. But that was just too stupid. I would be back in Seoul tomorrow and being with her is the most impossible thing to do.

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