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Girl's POV

We were half way back to our apartment when I realized something missing. I checked inside my handbag and it wasn't there. I started feeling nervous as I tried to remember the last place I put it. Please not at the concert. Oh, God, I was so stupid.

I held Tira's wrist to make her look at me. "I think I missed it," I said.

"What? Don't say that..." I nodded before she could even finish her words. I'm sure she's known me well enough to understand. "Gosh! You never changed, do you?" She sighed and made a U-turn as we're now heading back to the concert.

I smiled wider. "That's my bestie."

"You know, you should really stop bringing that mini Quran translation wherever you go 'cause it's kinda troublesome. I mean, you can't bring it inside the toilet and then you left it outside, and now what? It happens all the time, dear. Why don't you just keep it inside your room, on the highest part of the shelf, safe and sound. And you can take it whenever you wanna read it. Easy-peazy!"

I nodded many times while covering my ears with my finger as she was nagging like an old woman. Yup, that's my Tira.

"Hey!" she shouted while hitting my arm.

"What?" I chuckled.

"I was asking you, princess!"

"Oh? I thought you were rapping. 'Cause you sound like Namjoon," I said, still laughing.

"Ha-ha! Funny. No, seriously. What's with that Quran?"

"I've told you, remember?"

"Well, yeah. 'Cause you're a hafizah and you wanted to memorize it as fast as you can and then what? 'Cause hey, it's not necessary to bring it inside a concert. Gosh, what were you thinking?" She exclaimed, as usual, the honest Tira. I didn't blame her, it's true by the way. But I had my own reason.

"True. And, because that Quran was given by my late grandfather. You know my family... And he was a known Imam during his life. He gave me the Quran before he passes away. It's a limited edition, you see the cover. It's quite unique 'cause he printed it himself. He's an art lover, by the way."

"Uhuh... And? What's the relation?"

"He used to bring it wherever he goes. He loved it so much. And, before he dies, among all his sons, daughters, grandchildren, he chose me."

For once, Tira just remained silent. And so I continued, "I don't really know why he did that. Besides, I don't even think I'm worthy. There are many other grandchildren better than me, but he chose to give it to me. He asked me to keep it, memorize it, and make it as a life guidance for me. 'When you do anything, always relate to the guidance', he said." I stared at the road and shook my head slowly. "But I guess I've failed him."

"What do you mean?" she took a glance at me.

"I didn't relate to the guidance. What I'm doing right now. I didn't really follow the guidance."   

"What are you talking about? I don't understand," she said. "Well, to me, you're good enough. I mean, look at you, you're even better than me. You always advise me when I do anything wrong. So what's the matter?"

"No, it's not about that. I'm definitely not good enough, okay. I've finally realized that I missed one thing. And it's one of the biggest things I've been doing these past few years." I took a deep breath. "After memorizing and understanding a few surats, I realized that this one thing that I did was slightly wrong. But I just ignore it since it's not that obvious written in the Quran about the ban or what. But now, when I relate it even closer to what I've been doing, and how worse I've gotten day by day, I've finally realized that... It's actually a sin. And if worse, could be a big sin."

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